Monday, 29 March 2010

Thank You

Thank you for the good times,
The days you filled with pleasure.

Thank you for fond memories,
And for feelings I'll always treasure.

Although with thousand "Thank You"
But it doesn't seem enough
unexplainable by words
but touchable deep in my heart

Thank you Allah
for sending a sweet person like you..

Saadah Khair
29 March 2010

Saturday, 27 March 2010

New Books

New books again !
Thanks Ayah for being my side on last Friday at KLIBF 2010. I love you so much.
Spending the whole day with him is really meaningful day.

Both books are the sharing stories how to be a good wife like Khadijah and Aisyah, two great wives of Prophet Muhammad. This is not a sign that i already prepared to be a wife [haha], but both of them are great examples of wives to a great person such the last messenger, and maybe these books can be a good preparation for me to be a good wife in the future.

Just wanna share some good points from 'Berbunga Cinta Aisyah di Hati Rasulullah" [page xxviii], we always read in the wedding invitation cards or listen from the speaker on the following sentences:

Usah dambakan isteri sehebat Khadijah,
Jika diri tidak semulia Rasulullah

Tidak perlu isteri secantik Balqis,
Andai diri tidak sehebat Sulaiman

Usah mengharapkan suami setampan Yusuf,
Jika kasih tidak setulus Zulaikha

Tidak perlu mencari suami seteguh Ibrahim,
Jika diri tidak sekuat Hajar dan Sarah

Usah bermimpi mendapat lelaki seperti Ali,
Jika diri tidak sehebat Fatimah

And the author changed to a more interesting and positive sentences and it is really motivating the open-minded person. Lets see how the sentences changed..

Aku dambakan isteri sehebat Khadijah,
Aku cuba mengikut akhlaq semulia Rasulullah

Jika aku ingin isteri secantik Balqis,
Aku pelajari dan hayati kehebatan Sulaiman

Jika aku mengharapkan suami setampan Yusuf,
Kasih tidak setulus Zulaikha aku usahakan

Aku mencari suami seteguh Ibrahim,
Lalu aku harus sekuat Hajar dan Sarah

Aku bermimpi mendapat lelaki seperti Ali,
Maka aku mengiku hebatnya Fatimah

So, what the differences? The humble person who always blame for the weakness of him/herself OR the positive person who trying to search the best for him/herself. Which one is better? Ask yourself. And think about it.. ^___^

**Too many new books, confuse on which one to be read first. My style is read all books at the same time without finishing particular book within the times. But lets focus on academic book first. Exam~!! :P

Thursday, 25 March 2010



IIUM is in the week of final examination. Everybody seems to be hardworking more than other weeks. They try harder to pass successfully in their exam. Library is full. Cafe is silent without stir and bustle. I really like exam week to see all these situations. It's funny but i know that they only seek one thing same like me, which is SUCCESS.

Success is so subjective. There will be different definitions from different person. I also have my own definition on success, but i dont want to discuss about our own definition. We want to know what is the real meaning of success according to the Revealed Knowledge.

Every five times before we pray, mu'azzin will call for azan to remind us our meeting with Allah.. Hayya 'ala as-Solat! Hayya 'ala al-Falah! Rush to prayer! Rush to Success!

Why is success mentioned in the call for prayer? What is success? Who is successful? If we listen to this sentence five times a day with full attention, don't we want to know what is the meaning of success in this call?

Allah actually revealed every single secret of success in His Holy Book al-Quran. The clear successful person was mentioned in surah al-Mu'minun (1-11), as He said:

Successful indeed are the believers

Those who offer their salat with all solemnity and full submissiveness

Those who turn away from what is vain

Those who pay the zakat

Those who guard their chastity

Except with those joined to them in the marriage bond, or (the captives) whom their right hands possess,- for (in their case) they are free from blame,

But those whose desires exceed those limits are transgressors;-

Those who faithfully observe their trusts and their covenants;

And who (strictly) guard their prayers;-

These will be the heirs,

Who will inherit Paradise: they will dwell therein (for ever).

Therefore, all the criteria for those who successful is mentioned in the above verses. How about those not believe in Allah but still success? Yes, they succeed too, but their success only in this worldly matters, it is only temporary, they might be successful in the Hereafter just only after they believe in Allah, follow His order and ignore His disorder. Success in this world will not determine our success in the Hereafter..

Let's achieve success in this world and the Hereafter.. Success is useless without efforts, tawakal, and du'a. So, be hardworking to gain both success especially success in the Hereafter because it is much more difficult than success in this world..

All the best to all IIUM students for your examinations..!
"Every success is built on the ability to do better than good enough"

** My exam paper is on 5 & 6 April. This is the last semester for completing 10 subjects of coursework in postgraduate study, then i will start writing my thesis, insyaAllah... Allahumma Yassir lana Ya Allah... aminn~~

Monday, 22 March 2010

Pesta Buku 2010


Entri kali ini digunakan di dalam Bahasa Melayu. Ini bahasa kebangsaan saya. Saya berbahasa Melayu kerana saya adalah Melayu beragama Islam. Saya mempunyai sebab tersendiri untuk menggunakan Bahasa Inggeris sebagai bahasa utama di dalam blog ini, bukan kerana saya tidak menghormati bahasa Ibunda saya, akan tetapi sebab itu hanya disimpan di dalam hati. Tidak perlu diwarwarkan di sini..

Pesta Buku. Saya tidak pernah melepaskan peluang ke Pesta Buku pada setiap tahun. Dan teman setia setiap tahun juga ke PB ialah Munirah Roslan. Begitu juga kemeriahan yang saya rasai pada PB kali ini di PWTC ialah bersama dia, terima kasih teman! Saya sengaja pergi ke PB pada hari ahad, kerana saya sudah menilik beberapa aktiviti menarik yang ada pada hujung minggu lebih menarik daripada hari-hari yang sebelumnya, walaupun saya tahu ia pasti "zahmah". Sesak!

Dan di PB kali ini, saya sudah mengatur diri saya lebih baik dari PB sebelum ini. Saya sediakan wang secukupnya, tidak lebih dan tidak kurang (ini paling utama), senarai buku yang hendak dibeli sentiasa ada di tangan (juga peringatan daripada Mun supaya tidak beli buku di luar senarai), dan akan menuju di tempat-tempat yang utama dahulu sebelum meronda-ronda mencuci mata. Tapi saya gagal juga untuk tidak beli buku di luar senarai, kerana tangan saya lebih pantas bergerak diiringi dengan nafsu ingin membaca tanpa menghiraukan suara tegahan Mun..hehe..

Kenang-kenangan suka-suka teman baik saya dengan Saudari Irma dan Saudara Tam

Dua buku baru Ustaz Hasrizal menjadi milik saya dengan tandatangan beliau di dalamnya. Tahniah Ustaz!

Sempat berbual panjang dengan En. Khair Ngadiron (namanya sebiji nama ayah saya) dan Faisal Tehrani di ITNM. Majoriti buku yang saya beli kali ini adalah ditulis FT. Ada sesuatu yang saya mahu cari di dalam penulisan beliau. Tahniah untuk Bahlut! Saya dihasut untuk membeli buku FT yang diterjemahkan ke dalam Bahasa Inggeris oleh Encik Khair dengan promosi 30%.

Secara keseluruhannya saya sangat berpuas hati dengan PBAKL 2010. Lebih tersusun daripada tahun-tahun sebelumnya. Bilangan yang hadir juga bertambah-tambah. Promosi membaca juga besar-besaran. Dan saya juga berharap agar budaya membaca dapat dipupuk di dalam masyarakat Melayu khususnya, dan masyarakat 1 Malaysia secara amnya. Semoga segala bacaan kita menuju tumpuan yang satu, mengharapkan keredhaanNYa, Tuhan berfirman: "Bacalah dengan (menyebut) nama Tuhanmu Yang menciptakan" (al-'Alaq:1).

8 buah buku dari PBAKL 2010.
Buku pertama di dalam gambar di atas sedang dibaca sekarang, ia hanya sekadar memenuhi selera 'gembira' saya untuk memiliki novel cinta humor, dan kerana sudah lama tidak membeli novel Bahasa Melayu. Buku terakhir di dalam gambar pula adalah buku yang bakal saya hadiahkan buat Bonda saya. Baki buku yang berikutnya saya akan baca bukan untuk bulan ini. Saya perlu membaca buku akademik untuk peperiksaan yang bakal menanti dan persediaan untuk menulis tesis. Dan semua buku kali ini berbahasa Melayu! Kecuali buku FT yang diterjemahkan dari Bahasa Melayu (Bedar Sukma Bisu) ke dalam Bahasa Inggeris..

**InsyaAllah akan ke PB untuk kali kedua bersama Ayah pada Jumaat ini, 26 Mac 2010. Buku apa ya yang saya mahu beli untuk ditampung duit ayah..hehe...

Sunday, 21 March 2010


20 Mac 2010
Mabruk to Kak Yati & her Husband..
Congratulation & May all the happiness is yours forever..
Barakallahulakuma wa baraka 'alaikuma wa jama'a bainakuma filkhair..

Big Family of JASA ^__^


From Temerloh to Putarajaya to see Hot Air Ballon Fiesta 2010. It's Awesome~!!
Special Thanks to Kak Im and Kak Ita.

**More pictures HERE

Friday, 19 March 2010

The Ultimate Gift & Life


The reading of two books end yesterday night. I feel great that The Ultimate Gift and The Ultimate life both are not only the title of book, but a great lesson from an author to the reader.. The first book (TUG) is the best-selling novel which tells a story of Jason Stevens to complete some missions before inherit several billion dollars, while TUL is a continuous story if he lost all money he had from his grandfather and the story took place in a court. Jason able to get back his money because he deserve it and succeed to understand the real meaning of the ultimate gift and the ultimate life.

Just wanna share here some interesting quotations from both books.
Lets achieve our own ultimate gift and ultimate life~!!

The Ultimate Gift

A journey may be long or short, but it must start at the very spot one finds oneself.

In the end, a person is only known by the impact he or she has on others.

He who loves his work never labors.

Money is nothing more than a tool. It can be a force for good, a force for evil, or simply be idle.

It is a wealthy person, indeed, who calculates riches not in gold but in friends.

Education is a lifelong journey whose destination expands as you travel.

Problems can only be avoided by exercising good judgement. Good judgement can only be gained by experiencing life's problem.

Some people are born into wonderful families. Others have to find or create them. Being a member of a family is a priceless privilege which costs nothing but LOVE.

Laugther is good medcine for the soul. Our world is desperately in need of more such medicine.

Faith is all that dreamers need to see into the future.

The only way you can truly get more out of life for yourself is to give part of yourself away.

In those times when we yearn to have more in our lives, we should dwell on the things we already have. In doing so, we will often find that our lives are already full to overflowing.

Life as its essence boils down to one day at a time.

In the end, life lived to its fullest as its own ultimate gift.

The Ultimate Life

In this life, the most average day can take an extraordinary turn; therefore, each day should be anticipated and savored as a gift.

There is nothing more powerful than a person who has seen the path to destiny within their soul and is willing to pursue it.

Work is the culmination of all we are and all we learn that we bring to others through the marketplace.

Money is the fruit of our efforts and the fuel for our dreams.

No one can be considered a failure who has a friend, and no one can be considered a success without one.

Learning lights a candle in the darkness that illuminates our dreams.

Problems viewed in the future appear to be obstacles while problems viewed in the past are revealed as blessings.

Some families are formed by birth, others by legal documents, and still others are formed through love.

It is impossible to experience fear, hate, or defeat when we are laughing.

Dreams are the essence of all we can become.

In this life, we often lose everything we try to keep, and get to keep everything that we try to give away.

Gratitude provides a balance between the things we have and those we want.

The ultimate life is nothing more than a series of ultimate days.

The ultimate life is locked away inside each of us. LOVE is the key~!

As life lived well is the ultimate gift.

**Cant wait to buy another books at KLIBF this Sunday~!!

Thursday, 18 March 2010

The Integration


Actually i have to discuss some Quranic verse on Thursday in this entry, but i dont have any idea to choose suitable verses for this week. In the mood of confusing and scaring to end this semester, i'm also happy for the acceptance of Department of Quran & Sunnah on my thesis title and they already had a meeting to discuss my thesis proposal. I already made some correction as mentioned by my supervisor, and i thank him for his awareness to the small mistakes done by me under his supervision. I'm just waiting for another meeting under Kulliyah IRKHS to approve my thesis proposal before i start thesis writing.

As the title written above, the general view of my thesis is about the integration of society. The integration as defined in the International Encyclopedia of the Social Science is "a process by which individuals and groups come to interact freely and equally in society regardless of skin colour distinctions. There will be no systematic or institutional discrimination exists against the members of any racial groups in a racially integrated society". The main focus in this concept is the plural society with different backgrounds, religions, customs, cultures, and lifestyles.

Allah mentioned in the Quran:"O people! surely We have created you of a male and a female, and made you tribes and families that you may know each other surely the most honorable of you with Allah is the one among you most careful (of his duty);..." shows that HE created men of different ethnic groups, tribes, cultures, and languages, so that they can know each other with a perfect reason to appreciate His diverse creation in this whole universe. This verses will be a strong argument to support the concept of Integration of society.

The issue arrised when W. Montgomery Watt wrote a book entitled Islam and the Integration of Society, where it contains a discussion on the integration of Islamic society in terms of political life, social life, and intellectual life. It insists that Islam brings unity to human kind and illustrates the integration of society in Makkah, Madinah, and the rest of Arabia in an interesting way. He saw that the integration of society as brought by Islam will be a good example for mankind to be integrated and live in a peaceful conexistence among different societies.

In addition to all discussion on the integration of society, i will focus on two important societies; Madinan society and Malaysian society, and will not include other societies in discussing the integration of society from Sunnah perspectives. These two societies will also be analyzed in two different times, where the study on Madinan society focuses at the time of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), while Malaysian society is studied in the past and present time. As a secondary source, hadÊth plays an important role in supporting, explaining, and clarifying the Quranic verses, and as everybody knows that Qur’Én and hadÊth both are the main sources in Islam and they complete each other. Thus, the researcher will analyze this study based on Sunnah perspectives only without neglecting the Qur’Én, generally because Prophetic traditions usually supplied the details, either by showing in his practice or by giving an explanation in words.

I will not discuss further because the main idea which mentioned here is the general thought on my thesis to complete two years postgraduate in IIUM. Any supporting information are warmly appreciated and sincerely welcomed from the reader..

I end this entry with a beautiful hadith by Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said: "Everyone will be with those whom he loves." (Hadith Bukhari 8.189, Narrated Abdullah)

Wallahua'lam bissawab..


Saadah Khair

Lab IRK, 3.30pm, 18 March 2010

Monday, 15 March 2010

Pos Bersih, Slim River, Perak

13 March 2010, I continue my 'Unforgotten Journey' to Aboriginal Village at Pos Bersih, Slim River, Perak Darul Ridzuan. I put a name of 'Unforgotten Journey' is because i'm trying my best to not ignore my responsibility to spread da'wah among Orang Asli although i have other responsibilities in my life. I'm trying to manage my time to join this kind of programme once in a month or any of my leisure time either in university programmes or outside programme like this.

So, last Saturday (only 1 day), i joined IOA-ABIM programme lead by Encik Syamsul to this village at Pos Bersih, accompanied by Yusuf, Aisyah, Hajar & Zulaika. Like its name, this village is really clean, neat & tidy, and the villagers also are so kind and very helpful one. There were only minority who converted to Islam, and it is our responsibility to make them convenience with this religion as a way of our life. So, we have to always visit them and share what we have by the name of brotherhood in Islam. And this is my first time to visit this clean village.. :)

Due to my busy day during this week, i will just share some interesting pictures additional with small info..

This is a general look of Pos Bersih. There were terrace houses and old design houses too, plus primary school and kindergarten. It's totally clean!

Cooking Time. Lunch Time. I'm just helping to prepare the cooking things and not the one who cook the dishes.. We stayed in this Muslim house and they are so hardworking. The children were so nice and we watched Indonesian horror movie together..hehe.. Honestly, i'm really miss curry at Kg Orang Asli...

Do you know that i have this talent?? hahaha.. It is not easy like you think. You need patience and strength to finish this decoration. I forgot its name.. Thanks to Sis Rozita for her patience to teach a stubborn student like me..hehe

Before we left this village (actually there are 3 villages at Pos Bersih), we had the enjoy moment with children in this last village. It raining outside but we have a lot of fun. We ate sweet and playing together.

I like this moment..! When i came to 'mandi2 sungai' with aborigine children, suddenly, a group of canoeing came.. It was so exciting because this is my first time to see their adventure expedition. They took three hours to reach this village along Ulu Slim River. All of them came from KL and will continue their expedition to another place.. The river is cool~!

Kolam Air Panas, 104 celcius. So Hot..! Unfortunately, we didn't bring eggs.. See the boiling waiter.. blurp..blurp..blurp..

Four of us ^___^

** This week is the last lecture week for this semester.. I'm Happy~!! \(^_~)/

Thursday, 11 March 2010

Five before Five


I'm just coming back from my own long break at JB due to some circumstances. And during those 5 days, i learned and experienced a lot of new things and new thoughts in my life. Experience is something that you cannot buy from someone and sell it to other, you must earn it by yourself and it will make you better person and matured.

Actually, i have to share some Quranic verses on Thursday, but i feel to share a hadith of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). This hadith is closely related to what happened in my surroundings. The Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) has said (narrated by Ibn Abbas and reported by Hakim):

Take benefit of five before five:
Your YOUTH before your OLD AGE,
Your HEALTH before your SICKNESS,
Your WEALTH before your POVERTY,
Your FREE-TIME before you are PREOCCUPIED,
& Your LIFE before your DEATH.

Surely, this Hadith is few in words but holds a great meaning for those who understand and ponder. In this narration by ibn Abbas we are asked to take the benefit of five things before the occurrence of five things. I'm sure that everybody knows about this hadith, and there is also a song by Raihan took this Hadith as a lyric of their song. But, what i wonder here is how we practice this a very good advice from The Prophet in our life.

This hadith summarises the phases which we may go through throughout Life, Youth, Health, Wealth, Time. Actually in our life, there will be gain and lose. We might lose something to gain another things. That's why Rasulullah advices us to take advantage of what is of ots highest during these phases in aiming at the worship to the only God, Allah.

I want to copy the value of this hadith from Tarbiya Online as below:

Youth before old age

One of the things that most people take for granted is their youth. When people are young, they are full of energy and are capable of doing so many things for the sake of Allah, but often we see that this energy is wasted in one way or another.

When people lose their youth, they inevitably find it harder to do those deeds and acts of worship that they found somewhat easier to do at a younger age. With old age, people find it harder to keep fard (obligatory) fasts, they may not be able perform wudhu properly or to pray properly, and they may not have the energy to recite the Qur’an very often.

When we are young we are full of energy, and we should use that energy to help others when we can. In order to help those in need, we don’t have to have deep pockets or donate thousands of pounds to charity every month, there are so many ways in which we can benefit others. The Prophet (pbuh) said: ‘Every Muslim has to give in charity… [and if has nothing to give] he should work with his hands … and give in charity (from what he earns)… [and if he can't do that] he should help the needy who appeal for help…’ (Bukhari)

‘Charity’ in Islam does not necessarily mean just giving money. In the Qur’an, charity is referred to as ’spending out of what Allah has given you’. This reminds us that charity does not have to be purely monetary. It can be given through the spending of energy, talent, resources, or whatever else, to help and do good to those in need, as the Prophet (pbuh) said: ‘Every act of goodness is a charity.’ (Muslim)

It is common to hear young people claim that they will start ‘practising’ Islam when they get older. We should always be mindful of the fact that ‘older’ may never come round for us. We have no guarantee that we will even be alive tomorrow, let alone be alive to see our pensions, or our grandchildren. And even if we are blessed with a long life, how can we be sure that we have the health – physical and mental – to practise Islam? On top of all this, we should remember that people do not just magically become ‘good’ overnight; often, we find that bad habits are hard to shift – what if we can’t get rid of our bad habits when we get old?

Health before sickness

As with our youth, we often take for granted our health. We are advised to take advantage of our good health before we are overcome with illness or disability. What we often don’t realise is that our health is a blessing from Allah. When we are in good health, we take it for granted and don’t always appreciate what we have. It is only when we fall ill that we realise what a great thing we had and how we let it go to waste by not doing as much ‘ibadah (worship) as we know we could – and should – have done.

One example of where people are restricted from carrying out acts of ‘ibadah due to poor health, is fasting. When most people are young and have the health to fast, they don’t make the time or effort to keep nafl (non-obligatory/sunnah) fasts. Often we find that we struggle to keep our fard fasts during Ramadan, and we have no intention at all to keep the sunnah fasts during the rest of the year.

While we have our health, we often find ourselves making excuses for missing optional prayers – ‘I have class/lecture’ – for not making the time to recite or memorise the Qur’an – ‘I have an essay deadline tomorrow’ – or for not attending circles or talks at university or at the mosque.

We need to be aware of the fact that there is no guarantee of our good health. There are so many things that can happen that can leave us full of regret for not having taken advantage of what we had when we had it. What if something was to happen to you on your way home from university or work tomorrow? An accident that can leave you paralysed so that you cannot perform your prayers properly. You may develop health problems that stop you from fasting. You can lose your eyesight so that you cannot see or recite the Qur’an. Any of these things can happen at any time to any one us.

Wealth before poverty

Wealth is another blessing granted to us by Allah. Wealth in this context does not necessarily mean that we have large amounts of savings, or the fact that we can afford a huge house, a top-of-the-range car and a state-of-the-art media system. The simpler things such as a roof over our heads, clothes on our backs and food in our fridges make us amongst the world’s wealthiest people – a fact that we, more often than not, seem to overlook, particularly when we see people that have a lot more worldly possessions than we do. There are millions of people in the world today that don’t even have a drop of clean water to drink, and they don’t know where their next meal will be coming from. These are the people that we need to be helping with our wealth. Even a small donation can go a long way.

We should give as much as we can in the way of Allah, and we are assured of the rewards for doing so by Allah: ‘The likeness of those who spend their money for Allah’s sake, is as the likeness of a grain (of corn), it grows seven ears, every single ear has a hundred grains, and Allah multiplies (increases the reward) for whom He wills, and Allah is All-Sufficient for His creatures needs, All Knower’. (Al-Baqarah: 261)

Free time before preoccupation

Islam always encourages us to make the most of our time, and to spend as much of it as possible in the way of Allah. We should utilise the time we have available to do as much good as we can, because before we know it, this time will have passed. As mentioned above, we should use the time we have in our youth to do as much in the way of Allah as possible, because as time passes, as well as having to contend with old age and all that entails, we will inevitably have a lot more things to worry about, like jobs, homes and families – things that most of us at this present moment aren’t necessarily worried about. If we think that finding the time to practise Islam is difficult now, what will we do when life really starts to pick up pace? There is nothing wrong with getting married and having a family, but we should appreciate the relative freedom that we have now, and spend as much of it as we can on good deeds.

The concept of time is so important in Islam that Allah swears by it in the Qur’an: ‘By [the token of] Time. Verily Man is in loss, except such as have faith and do good deeds, and [join together] in the mutual teaching of truth, of patience and constancy.’ (Surah Al-‘Asr)

In line with the above aayaat (verses), we have to discipline ourselves by giving value to the importance of time. We should be prompt in doing good deeds, which will increase our faith and subsequently enable us to gain Allah’s pleasure and mercy.

Life before death

The last thing that we have been advised to take advantage of is our life before our death. Every night when we go to sleep, we enter a state where our soul leaves us. When we wake up, it is only because Allah has blessed us by returning our souls and granting us the opportunity to worship Him for at least one more day. Upon waking up in the morning, the Prophet (pbuh) used to say (and we are also encouraged to do the same): ‘Praise be to Allah who gave me life after death, and to Him is the final return.’ (Bukhari)

Often we do not fully appreciate how great a blessing it is to be given another chance. We become relaxed about death, and we don’t fully comprehend or appreciate that at some point – and only Allah knows when – our life will be taken away from us for good, leaving no second chance, no opportunity to make up for the wrongs we have done, and no turning back time. We must not forget what a mercy life is. We should savour every moment and use it to our best advantage. This means pleasing Allah in order to achieve our ultimate goal – Jannah.

Good things don’t just come to us – we have to strive for them, day in and day out. Whether we are at university or at work, or if we are raising a family, to excel at what we do, we know that we have to work hard, and the harder we work, the better the reward. Jannah is no exception to this. And we know that, if we strive hard enough, Allah will reward us with the ultimate prize, insha’Allah.

I’ll end with a final hadith that I feel sums up the importance of all these issues: ‘A man shall be asked concerning five things on the Day of Resurrection: concerning his life, how he spent it; concerning his youth, how he grew old; concerning his wealth, how he acquired it and how he spent it; and what he did with the knowledge he had.’ (Tirmidhi)

May Allah give us the ability to understand the value of time and take benefit of this moment that we have before it is taken away from us..

Today, 11 March is a birthday of my youngest nephew, Muhammad Khairul Anuar bin Husaini. May Allah bless your youth before you reach the old age. Be a good boy and a proud to your mama & abah. This photo is captured after 2 months of his date of birth.

** There is a will, There is a hope, There is a way~!!

Friday, 5 March 2010

No Perfection

First Situation

A woman. Single and available. A holder of B.A, M.A, and pHD from local and international universities. Succeed in her career. A very wealthy enough for herself and her family relatives. However, her inside feeling is very lonely. She knows that she has everything, but she also has a dream to build her own family and live in a good marriage. Perhaps, her soulmate is not coming yet, or is she too choosy..? hmm

Second Situation

A woman. Married with three children. A holder of B.A, M.A, and pHD from local universities only. A very successful woman in her career. A wealthy woman too. But she lives in a very busy life. Her work is not only in her own country, but travel a lot around the world. She has to arrange her time wisely for her husband and children. And sometimes, she cannot runaway from her family problems throughout her life.

Third Situation

A woman. Married with 5 children. A holder of B.A, M.A, and pHD from local and international universities. She is a housewife for her wealthy husband. She is happy with her position right now. She is taking care well of her family: husband, children, and her parents. Besides, she has no intention at all to work outside of her house unless her family has a very big financial problem.

Fourth Situation

A woman. She is a widow with 2 daughters. She dont had any higher educational background. However, she has her own business and succeed to build many branches of her company in this country. She really happy with her life right now and do not has any plan to find new husband or new father for her children.

**All situations are real true stories.
It can be concluded that there is no perfection in our life. What your plan will not be same will the real one, if it same, it is decided by HIM The Almighty one. Nobody is perfect except HIM~!

This photo is not related to any of these 4 situations.
I love my sisters. They love me too.
May Allah bless all of us..

Thursday, 4 March 2010



Today is Thursday, as i planned before, i will discuss some Quranic verses in my blog on every Thursday. May this deed is benefit to others and myself too..

I select Surah al-Insyirah for this Thursday. I do really love this Surah. Al-Insyirah means Solace, relief, and consolation, or in easy Malay word: "Lapang" or "Lega".

The secret revealed in this surah where someone face a difficulty, or something that is hard to deal with, that means Allah has also given them the strength to overcome the matter and succeed in the test. Knowing from the outset that this is a law of Allah and believing in that law is one of the most important pieces of info that can permit a believer to overcome the test. And Allah will make the difficulties easier for those who truly believe His promise..

We begin in the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

Verses 1

Have We not expanded thee thy chest?-

Bukankah Kami telah melapangkan untukmu dadamu?

Verses 2

And removed from thee thy burden

dan Kami telah menghilangkan daripadamu bebanmu,

Verses 3

The which did gall thy back?-

yang memberatkan belakangmu

Verses 4

And raised high the esteem (in which) thou (art held)?

Dan Kami tinggikan bagimu sebutan (nama)mu

Verses 5

So, verily, with every difficulty, there is relief:

Karena sesungguhnya sesudah kesulitan itu ada kemudahan,

Verses 6

Verily, with every difficulty there is relief.

sesungguhnya sesudah kesulitan itu ada kemudahan.

Verses 7

Therefore, when thou art free (from thine immediate task), still labour hard,

Maka apabila kamu telah selesai (dari sesuatu urusan), kerjakanlah dengan sungguh-sungguh (urusan) yang lain

Verses 8

And to thy Lord turn (all) thy attention.

dan hanya kepada Tuhanmulah hendaknya kamu berharap.

**Read this verses many many time to make you feel relief because Allah create the difficulties and the easiness for every Servant of Him. I will do the same, and i really love this surah so much for its meaningful meaning.

**Ya Allah, I beg you to lighten the burden and the difficulties on the shoulder of my sister.. You know more than others.......

Tuesday, 2 March 2010

Congrats My Twin~!

Congratulation dear..
She is my twin with different faces, different parents, different personality.. but we are twin in term of name.. Her name exactly same like mine: Nur Sa'adah. But we have different nickname among our friends.. And she was married, but i'm staying single.. ^____^

28 February 2010, we all are invited to attend her wedding at Bangunan Risda, Jalan Ampang, KL. She send the card by herself to me, so, i have to go.. Furthermore, it is encouraged to fulfill others invitation to their big happy day.. We (Timah, Moon, Dela & Me) arrived late due to some circumstances, but fortunately we met some of our friends in same batch IRK. We miss a lot during our happy young day during undergraduate. I miss those memory more than them because i'm still present alone and bored in the UIA compared to them.. ;(

Anyway, Adah was soo beautiful.. I like her dress..hehe.. Congrats again to Adah & Ayap. Now, you are a husband and wife. Be a good wife my dear.. Barakallahu lakuma wa jama'a bainakuma fil khair..

There are another wedding invitations in this month: 13 March (Yahya & his wife, Kak Ainon & her husband), 14 March (Mardhiana & her husband), 20 March (Kak Yati & her husband). Congrats to all of them in advance...

Then, who's next...??