Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Buku: Biblioholisme

Buku ini dibeli ketika Pesta Buku berlangsung April lalu. Buku terbitan ITBM ini hanya berharga RM15 dan wajar dimiliki oleh setiap pembaca yang cintakan buku. Penulis mengupas dunia pencinta buku yang kaya dengan imaginasi luar biasa, tenggelam dengan setiap bait huruf dan perkataan, dan asyik dengan emosi yang berbeza-beza. 

Cintakan bunga, ia akan layu. Cintakan manusia, ia akan mati. Cintakan Tuhan, kekal selamanya. Bagaimana pula dengan cinta akan buku? Di sini, satu istilah yang diketengahkan oleh penulis yang merujuk kepada pencinta buku ialah "Biblioholisme". Golongan ini bukan sahaja mempunyai minat yang mendalam terhadap buku, tetapi mereka mengagumi buku dengan cara yang luar biasa dengan kemahuan yang tinggi untuk membeli, memiliki, menyimpan, membaca dan menjadikan buku sebagai satu perkara utama di dalam hidup mereka.

Adakah ia sebuah penyakit? Menurut penulis, bibliofil boleh dinilai dari sudut positif dan negatif kerana terdapat beberapa kritikan terhadap pencinta buku tegar terutama apabila golongan ini sering mengasingkan diri daripada orang lain dan hidup di dalam dunia ciptaan mereka sendiri. Walaupun begitu, kesan positif yang ada di dalam bibliofil ialah apabila cintakan buku itu membawa mereka kepada cintakan ilmu, di mana ia adalah cinta yang lebih utama yang akan melahirkan insan beradab dan berintelektual tinggi. Bertepatan dengan kata-kata Imam al-Ghazali yang dipetik oleh penulis: "jadilah manusia yang tamak dan rakus terhadap ilmu",  kerana salah satu cara mendapat ilmu itu adalah melalui buku.

Di antara intelektual yang diketengahkan oleh penulis di dalam buku ini ialah Jaafar Abd Rahim, Tengku Abdullah, Wan Mohd Shaghir, Alfred Nobel, Oprah Winfrey, dan Albert Einstein. Nama-nama ini sangat memberi pengaruh di dalam dunia buku serta meninggalkan kesan yang besar di dalam dunia ilmu. Walaupun penulis hanya memberi ulasan ringkas terhadap nama-nama tersebut, ia adalah tugas pembaca pula untuk mengkaji pengaruh besar mereka dan mengambil aspek positif yang telah ditonjolkan. Saya sangat teruja apabila Haji Wan Mohd Shaghir Abdullah disebut di dalam buku ini kerana jasa beliau sangat besar di dalam memelihara khazanah Ulama di alam Melayu, malah usahanya diiktiraf di peringkat antarabangsa. Tulisan beliau banyak membantu saya di dalam membuat kajian terutama yang berkaitan dengan hadith.

Penulis buku ini juga menyentuh dunia buku dan perpustakaan. Tertarik dengan sebuah perpustakaan peribadi Ayatollah Marashi Najafi, di mana jumlah manuskrip di dalamnya mencecah  lebih daripada 100,000. Malah makamnya terletak di pintu perpustakaan tersebut. Penulis juga tidak lupa berkongsi kembaranya di Iran dengan menziarahi beberapa perpustakaan utama. Sayangnya, seperti diketahui umum, Iran adalah sebuah negara yang memegang fahaman syiah.

Kecintaan kepada buku juga boleh dilihat dari sudut yang berlawanan dengannya. Ini kerana ada beberapa usaha menghapuskan buku dengan membakar dan menjalankan keganasan terhadap penulis dan karyanya. Ini tidak sepatutnya berlaku kerana buku membentuk suatu tamadun dan peradaban masyarakat berilmu.

Tertarik dengan sebuah buku yang bertajuk 1001 Books You Must Read Before You Die, malah lebih tertarik lagi dengan cadangan penulis agar ada buku seperti ini perlu ditulis khas buat rakyat Malaysia dengan menyenaraikan 1001 buku yang perlu dibaca. Saya mengharapkan al-Quran al-Karim diletakkan sebagai buku yang pertama dan diutamakan.

Terima kasih buat penulis. Walaupun tidak puas membacanya kerana buku ini hanya mempunyai 106 muka surat sahaja, saya pasti ini adalah usaha penulis dalam memartabatkan budaya membaca yang selari dengan budaya ilmu. Buku ini baik untuk mereka yang baru menjinakkan dalam dunia buku. Pilih dan bacalah buku yang baik, kerana itu boleh mencerminkan identiti diri anda. 

Anda boleh cuba uji tahap biblioholisme di SINI. Selamat mencuba!

**Pandang kulit bukunya sahaja, jangan jeling minuman di sebelahnya :) KLIK

Monday, 30 July 2012

Ramadan: Fasa Satu

Genap sepuluh hari

Bukan sengaja mahu menghitung hari, tapi sebagai peringatan bahawa apakah, bagaimanakah dan banyak manakah amalan yang telah kita lakukan sepanjang fasa pertama Ramadan ini. Saya mengiyakan kata-kata Mufti Ismail Menk ini:

Usah menghitung hari yang berlalu di dalam Ramadan, 
tapi jadikan lah hari-hari ramadan ini terhitung amal di dalamnya.

Ilmu perlu dicari

Sepanjang Ramadan ini, Alhamdulillah berpeluang duduk dipayungi malaikat bersama jemaah yang lain di dalam kuliyyah ilmu samada selepas Subuh atau Terawih. Walaupun ada info yang sudah diketahui tapi bagusnya ia sebagai peringatan agar amalkan ilmu yang ada. Sangat kagum dengan kesungguhan jemaah Surau al-Nur yang sentiasa penuh di dalam mencari ilmu yang diredai.

Bacalah Quran dengan faham maknanya. Usah tinggalkan juga bahan bacaan lain semata-mata kerana Quran. Tapi carilah bacaan yang menjadikan kita golongan Ulul Albab.

Berkat Derma

Sedang saya kelam kabut menuju ke Surau kerana terlambat sedikit, Imam sudah memulai solat Isyak dengan al-Fatihah. Terkejut pabila terlihat seorang pemohon derma yang masih asyik duduk di depan pintu surau dengan kotak dermanya. Ampunkan saya kerana tindakan itu mengundang sangkaan buruk yang bermain di minda. Alangkah indahnya jika dia juga turut menunaikan Isyak berjemaah, kerana Allah telah pun berfirman: "Pintalah pertolongan dengan Sabar dan Solat"

Iftar yang sederhana

Di awal Ramadan ini saya selesa Iftar di rumah bersama suami tercinta. Berazam untuk masak setiap hari, tapi adakalanya teringin juga ke bazar menjamu mata. Saya cuba juga masak kerana saya pasti itu yang terbaik untuk kesihatan kami berdua, walaupun saya masih belum bertaraf chef antarabangsa, masih merangkak-rangkak lagi. Tapi saya puas. Puas dengan bersederhana. Puas dan bahagia. Semoga ada ganjaran buat semua wanita yang menyediakan juadah berbuka yang terbaik untuk suami dan keluarga.

“Barangsiapa yang memberi makanan berbuka bagi orang yang berpuasa, 
maka baginya pahala yang seperti orang yang berpuasa tersebut 
tanpa mengurangi pahala orang yang berpuasa tersebut sedikit pun.”  
(Hadis Tirmidzi, Ahmad & An-Nasa’i)

Nikmat sakit

Sakit itu kaffarah. Sakit itu nikmat agar menghargai nikmat sihat. Saya mahu sihat supaya dapat menjalankan ibadah dengan sempurna. Sakit saya biasa-biasa. Pilunya, Emak diserang sakit luar biasa. Allahh.. Ketika saya tahu emak sakit, doa saya tidak putus agar Tuhan panjangkan umur Emak dan kurniakan kesihatan yang baik untuk Emak selama hayatnya. Sejak itu, saya membeli pelbagai Vitamin untuk kesihatan saya dan suami terutama di dalam bulan mulian ini. Bukankah mencegah itu lebih baik dari merawat?

Redoxon Vitamin C ketika sahur, Omega-3 Fish Oil selepas berbuka

Doa dan Doa

Sabda Rasulullah; “Sesungguhnya bagi orang berpuasa – ketika berbukanya – doanya tidak akan ditolak.” [Riwayat Ibnu Majah dari Abdullah bin 'Amru bin al-'As]

Saya percaya. Doa itu senjata. Saya juga percaya. Doa orang berpuasa pasti mustajab. Berdoalah..untuk diri sendiri, suami, kedua ibu bapa, adik beradik, sahabat handai, guru dan pensyarah, anak murid, dan seluruh muslimin dan muslimat, agar kita semua dijauhkan api neraka dan didekatkan dengan syurga dan ahlinya, agar amalan-amalan kita diterima dan diredainya, agar diberi peluang bertemu malam yang lebih baik dari seribu bulan, agar kita dikurnikan Maghfirah dan Rahmat Allah..

Ada satu doa yang saya baru belajar dan ingin dikongsikan di sini. Ayuh hafal bersama. Terima Kasih kepada Mufti Kedah yang menyampaikan tazkirah di surau kegemaran saya pada sabtu lepas. Doa ini adalah doa yang diajar oleh Nabi..

Semoga kita terus berusaha keras untuk fasa yang seterusnya..

Allahu A'lam

Thursday, 26 July 2012

Ayuh Infaq!


Allah berfirman di dalam al-Quran, mafhumnya:

"Perumpamaan orang yang menginfaqkan hartanya di jalan Allah seperti sebutir biji yang menumbuhkan tujuh tangkai, pada setiap tangkai ada seratus biji. Allah melipat-gandakan bagi sesiapa yang Dia khendaki, dan Allah Maha Luas, Maha Mengetahui." 2:261

Ramadan, bulan Maghfirah dan bulan Rahmah. Ia juga bulan untuk bersedeqah dan membuat amal jariah. Ayuh berkejaran melakukan kebaikan...

Penderma ulung terbaik ialah junjungan Nabi Muhammad SAW kerana beliau seorang yang sangat dermawan pada bulan Ramadhan. Hal ini dapat diperhatikan menerusi satu hadis Nabi daripada Ibn Abbas yang bermaksud: 

Rasulullah SAW ialah orang yang paling dermawan dan lebih besar kedermawannya pada bulan Ramadhan ketika Jibrail menemuinya. Jibrail biasanya menemuinya setiap malam Ramadhan, lalu tadarus al Quran (dengan Nabi s.a.w). Sungguh Rasulullah ketika menemui Jibrail menjadi orang yang lebih bermurah hati dalam memberikan kebaikan sehingga lebih banyak daripada tiupan angin“. (Riwayat al Bukhari dan Muslim)

Terlalu banyak peluang untuk kita bersedeqah di bulan mulia ini. Jika tidak mampu menggunung banyak, sedikit pun sudah mencukupi, asalkan ikhlas di hati, dan biarkan hanya tangan kanan yang mengetahui..

Di sini, sukacitanya ingin saya kongsikan beberapa ruang dan peluang untuk kita semua menempah Syurga!

 Sila layari YAYASAN KHALIFAH untuk maklumat lanjut

Sila layari ISLAMIC RELIEF MALAYSIA untuk maklumat lanjut

 Sila layari GLOBAL PEACE MALAYSIA untuk maklumat lanjut

Sila layari RAYUAN RAMADHAN IKRAM untuk maklumat lanjut

Sila layari HALUAN PALESTIN untuk maklumat lanjut

Ada banyak sumber lain yang boleh kita hulurkan bersama. Jika tidak melalui bank, hulurlah seringgit dua di tabung-tabung yang kita terpandang di depan mata..

Sebagai peringatan kita bersama, setelah mengeluarkan sedekah, Allah bersabda:

"Wahai orang-orang yang beriman! Janganlah kamu merosakkan sedekahmu dengan menyebut-nyebutnya dan menyakiti (perasaan penerima), seperti orang yang menginfaqkan hartanya kerana ria' kepada manusia dan dia tidak beriman kepada Allah dan hari akhirat. Perumpamaannya (orang itu) seperti batu yang licin di atasnya ada debu, kemudian batu itu ditimpa hujan lebat, maka tinggallah batu itu licin lagi. Mereka tidak memperoleh sesuatu apa pun dari apa yang mereka kerjakan. Dan Allah tidak memberi petunjuk kepada orang-orang kafir." 2: 264

Allahu ta'ala a'lam.

Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Wordless Wednessday: Idea Oh Idea!

Location: Journal Area, Tun Seri Lanang Library, UKM

O Allah, please send me an excellent idea for my proposal in this Holy Ramadan.

Ramadan & Telekung

"Mak! telekung yang cantik tu mana?"

Aku sibuk menyelongkar telekung di dalam almari. Tak jumpa. Masa berbaki lima minit sebelum azan Isyak berkumandang. Emak masih di dalam bilik air, tidak mengendahkan aku yang mula menunjukkan muka kecewa.

Suis lampu bilik air ditutup. "Cari dengan mulut memang tak jumpa. Ambil dalam bilik Mak." Akhirnya emak memberi respon. Aku senyum tanda berterima kasih. Azan isyak surau depan rumah terus memecahkan kesunyian.

Sejak kecil, emak mengajar untuk guna dan lipat telekung dengan baik. Tapi aku malas. Pesanan kakak sebelum ke Bumi Anbiya' dulu pun dengan hanya mengingatkan, "Jangan lupa lipat telekung lepas sembahyang."

Kini, aku sudah dewasa panjang. Mampu untuk beli telekung dengan wang yang dicari sendiri. Tetapi emak tetap menghadiahkan telekung seperti dulu. Dan sejak dulu lagi, Ramadan adalah waktu terbaik untuk bergaya dengan telekung baru, wangi dan cantik.

Telekung zaman kini moden mengikut arus perubahan masa. Berwarna-warni dengan pelbagai rekaan terkini. Aku masih setia dengan telekung putih. Bercorak putih. Berbunga putih. Putih itu yang dipilih. Suci dan tidak menganggu konsentrasi jemaah yang solat bersama di masjid.

Ramadan dan telekung adalah kombinasi hebat seperti kurma dan susu sebagai makanan kegemaran Rasulullah ketika berbuka puasa. Kenangan manis menyambut Ramadan di Taman Ilmu dan Budi takkan pernah luput dari ingatan. Telekung akan dipakai dengan bebas di mana-mana antara Maghrib dan Isyak tanpa segan silu. Jika dipakai di antara Zuhur dan Asar, dan berjalan ke sana-sini pasti dikatakan pelik pula. Saat turun dan naik tangga Nusaybah dengan bertelekung menutupi aurat adalah nikmat buat kaum Hawa yang tidak mahu melepaskan peluang untuk solat berjemaah di Masjid.

Setelah menjalani kehidupan berumah-tangga, aku menikmati saat yang lebih bahagia. Dibonceng secara ikhlas (walaupun berat) menuju Surau al-Nur di atas bukit Seksyen Satu itu. Kami mahu mencari syurga bersama-sama. Syurga yang aku lalui bersama suami bernama Firdaus di dunia ini pasti akan lebih bahagia jika menikmatinya di Syurga Firdaus kelak, insyaAllah.

Twit selepas terawih malam kelima

Telekung itu yang membuahkan ilham bahagia. Tidak perlu malu untuk mengejar sebuah pengampunan dan rahmat Tuhan. Sadisnya, masih ada yang malu menyarung telekung dan masih ada juga yang tidak malu membuka aurat setelah solatnya sempurna dilitupi telekung.

Nilai sepasang telekung itu tidak terletak pada corak dan warnanya, atau mahal harganya, atau nilai kualiti kainnya, TETAPI, nilai sepasang telekung itu terletak pada ikhlasnya beribadah kepada Tuhan seolah-olah kita melihat Yang Esa, jika tidak, sudah pasti Dia melihat kita.

Selamat beristiqamah dalam meraih cinta Tuhan!

**Hari ini genap dua bulan melayari bahtera Cinta Firdausi ^_^

Monday, 23 July 2012

Ramadan: The RACE is ON!

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

Alhamdulillah, today is the third day of Ramadan. How is it? happy or tired? I am really hope that we can benefit from every second in this Holy month.

Allah said in the Quran:
“The month of Ramadan [is that] in which was revealed the Qur’an, a guidance for the people and clear proofs of guidance and criterion…” (Qur’an, 2:185)

This verse specifically mentions the name of Ramadan where other name of months in Islam were not mentioned. Allah also describes Ramadan as a month which Quran was revealed earlier than mention that it is a month that people have to fast in a full month. It shows the importance of the Quran which is closely related with the month of Ramadan and both are inseparable.

So, how is your reading of the Quran?

When you read the Quran, it doesn't mean that you have to avoid other reading. We are encouraged to continuously read in order to gain knowledge. Read and keep reading, but please give the priority to the Quran.

I am interested to the technique of how to finish the Quran completely in the month of Ramadan. As proposed by Abu Productive HERE:

The Qur’an has 600 pages approx.. If you divide it on 30 days, that’s 20 pages a day.
You see, that’s difficult to do right? But, if you divide it on the 5 prayers a day, it gets easier:
*If you read 4 pages after every salah in ramadan, then you’ve completed the Qur’an.
*If you want to complete the Qur’an twice, you read 4 pages before and after every salah.

Dont forget to read THIS on how to achieve your Quran goals in Ramadan.

I love to share one famous hadith from Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), he said:

”Whoever fasts Ramadan out of Iman (faith) and seeking Allah’s reward 
then his past and future sins are forgiven." [Riwayat Ahmad]

Let's look our intention. Do we fast because of Allah? Do we fast because we are forced to? Do we fast because we will be rewarded? Fasting or any other types of Ibadah begins with a pure intention, to seek the pleasure of Allah. Because Allah already stated in the Quran: "Whoever seeks the rewards of the Hereafter, we multiply the rewards fro him. And whoever seeks the materials of this world, we give him there from, then he receives no share the Hereafter." [Al-Shura: 42: 20]

Ok guys, lets RACE to seek the pleasure of Allah. Lets RACE towards forgiveness from Allah. Lets RACE to do good deed and avoid bads. Lets RACE to meet the laylatulqadr. Lets RACE to do our best in this Ramadan.


Please download an excellent application for Android User ti get this 'Ramadan Race'. Click HERE.

Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: "The blessed month has come to you. Allah has made fasting during it obligatory upon you. During it, the gates to Paradise are opened and the gates to hellfire are locked, and the devils are chained. There is a night [during this month] which is better than a thousand months. Whoever is deprived of its good is really deprived [of something great]."

Thursday, 19 July 2012

Ahlan Ya Ramadan~!


Are you ready??

It is less than 48 hours to meet the greatest month ever. Don't be so sure that you are able to enjoy this month of forgiveness because death will not be early or late even one second.

O Allah, please give my family members, friends and myself an opportunity to seek Your Forgiveness and enjoy Your Bounty in this coming Ramadan!

Actually, I want to share something in today's entry.

InsyaAllah it will be a good reminder for me myself and others too. Check out this awesome Ramadan Checklist, print, stick it & get benefit from it.

The reason is simple. Do you want to waste a second in this coming Ramadan like you did in the previous Ramadan? Do you want to repeat the same mistake as you did in the previous Ramadan? Do you think that you did your best in the past Ramadan and assume that you able to finish this Ramadan completely and perfectly?? Read THIS on how to make this coming Ramadan as the best Ramadan ever..

Lets do our best..

I will do my best, especially when this coming Ramadan is the first Ramadan that I will celebrate with my beloved husband ^^

The checklist is only a platform. You can edit it by your own. I will do it too.

Thanks for the one who prepared this excellent checklist. Photocopy it four copies, since we have 4 weeks in this Ramadan insyaAllah.

Download now!

Mirror 1 - Slide Share
Mirror 2 - PDF Archive
Mirror 3 - PDF Host

Insha’Allaah we will all have a successful Ramadan filled with mercy, forgiveness, and nearness to Allah.

May Allah allow us to benefit from this holy Ramadan and have our fasts and prayers accepted!


Saadah Khair
29 Sha'ban 1432

**Prof Tariq advices that Ramadan is a month to "EAT LESS, THINK MORE".

Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Wordless Wednesday: Reading & Analyzing

Location: USIM Library

Prof Tariq's Lecture: Contributions of Muslims

In the name of Allah, the Most Forgiven, the Most Merciful, the Most Gracious

Alhamdulillah that Allah gave me another opportunity to be around intellectual Muslims who endlessly seeking knowledge for the sake of Him. Thounsand thanks to my hubby for giving a permission to participate in the lecture of Prof Tariq Ramadan at IIUM and as promised, I arrived at home 12am sharp, from Gombak to Bangi, by driving crazily rapidly.

I'm sure that a big name of Prof Tariq is well known by everybody. A grandson of Imam Hasan al-Banna who said: "I belong to my principles. I don't belong to my blood. I don't belong to community asking me to betray my religion because we are the same religion". Currently, he is Professor of Contemporary Islamic Studies at Oxford University, author of numerous books such as In the Footsteps of the Prophet: Lessons from the Life of Muhammad, The quest for meaning: developing a philosophy of pluralism, What I Believe, Radical Reform: Islamic Ethics and Liberation, The Arab Awakening and others.

CAC, Main Hall of IIUM was fulfilled by thousands of people inside and outside of IIUM, hunger of knowledge and patient to reflect from what they listened. As said by Prof Tariq: "Don't get fooled by numbers". There will be numerous people attending the lecture but their actions will be nothing if they don't know their responsibilities.. Numbers are creating changes, but it means nothing. Because, some people who attend the lecture has none of good intention. He said: "It is useless to come and you are still same on tomorrow's morning, you are responsible on what you listened".

 Prof Tariq began his lecture by explaining the Quranic verse which recited by Bro. Kashmiri (MC), verse 110 from Surah Ali-Imran. Allah says:

كُنتُمْ خَيْرَ أُمَّةٍ أُخْرِجَتْ لِلنَّاسِ تَأْمُرُونَ بِالْمَعْرُوفِ وَتَنْهَوْنَ عَنِ الْمُنْكَرِ وَتُؤْمِنُونَ بِاللَّهِ
 (You are the best of peoples ever raised up for mankind, 
you enjoin Al-Ma`ruf and forbid Al-Munkar and believe in Allah)

Prof Tariq explained that this verse contains a very important conditions to be the best Ummah or people among other people. The conditions are by doing good deeds and avoiding bad deeds; and Only the people who believe in Allah will able to fulfill these two conditions perfectly and sincerely.

Then, he reminded the audience to bear with our own responsibility. Each one of us has our own Amanah as a Khalifah. He said: "Start with our own responsibility, and leave Allah for our destiny".

Allah is the only Lord to be worshiped, to be loved, but not to be scared of. It's true when he said that Islamic education must teach not on how to scared of Allah, but how to love Him and increase our love to Him. We also must teach ourselves not on the way that Allah can see our mistakes, but how close He is to our intention and heart. Thus, we can feel the beauty of Ihsan which means to worship Allah as you are seeing Him and while you see Him not yet truly He sees you.

Due to the topic of lecture is "In the Footsteps of the Prophet: How Muslims should contribute to the World", Prof Tariq connects each point with the life of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him). 

Firstly, it's all about CHANGE. Change the way you look at things; nature, poor people, women, children and parents. 
  • "Look around you. Appreciate the nature as a gift to thanks Allah"
  • "Look at the nature with the eyes of heart, it deeps your relationship with God"
  • If you neglect nature, you neglect your heart"
  • "Love the poor people and get to be loved by them"
  • "No way to close to Allah if you don't care to your kids"
  •  "No way to close to Allah if you don't respect to your parents. Change the way how you deal with parents, because it is the way to enter jannah"

He also emphasized on the way of understanding. "Understanding with mind only will produce arrogance, but understanding together with heart is the essence of humility"

Secondly, Muslims must know how to behave accordingly. It's all related to our communication with Allah and people. Interestingly, Prof Tariq said that "Our relationship with Allah is a love story".

He highlighted the importance of Akhlaq and told the reason why Saydtina Aisyah described the characteristic of the Prophet PBUH equivalent to the Holy Quran. The Prophet PBUH is a very special human being. He is the most tender especially in the month of Ramadan. 

Therefore, four qualities that must possessed by Muslims are:
  1. Confidence. Be confident in yourself and never doubt on La ilaha illallah.
  2. Trust. Tawakkal to Allah only, trust your community, trust your family, trust yourself.
  3. Ambitious. Be ambitious to change the word withe the help of Allah
  4. Courage. Be courage to say the truth and speak the word of truth.

Another beneficial advices from Prof Tariq:
  • "Never forget to connect the way we deal with the principle of Tawhid and connect it with the values of humanity"
  • "Islam asks to do goods in this wordl and to prepare to get goods in the Hereafter."
  • "Celebrate this life with the right principles"
  • "Celebrate your culture, arts and creativity"
  •  "Don't forget the one who taught you to walk"

I love this beautiful advice: "Two essential things that you should never forget to remember is Vicegerent (Khilafah) and Death (Mawt). If you want to have a good life, never forget that you are going to die!"

When he covers the topic of humanity, he said: "There is no humanity without education. Connect the knowledge (al-'Ilm) with understanding (al-fahm), then join with deep understanding (al-fiqh), to achieve al-Furqan"

At the end of the lecture, Prof Tariq reminds to "Learn to forgive you own self". Not only that, "Ask du'a for yourself first, NOT because you are selfish, but because you will be alone at the end of life in the hereafter." He also said: "Give YOURSELF Rahmat FIRST. Have compassion for yourself, then you'll have compassion for the rest."

Once he finished his lecture, I was rushing back to my home. I feel envy when friends of mine posted a beautiful du'a recited by Prof Tariq before they dispersed from the main hall. Anyway, may Allah listen all the du'a and shower His blessing upon all of us. Ameennn..

Enjoy the du'a HERE.


Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Allahumma Balighna Ramadan

10 days to go
in searching the barakah
in looking for the maghfirah
in seeking the pleasure of Allah
in dreaming the Jannah
in making all actions Ibadah
in running to do goods
in avoiding bad deeds
in loving one another
in keeping away from evil wishper
in helping needy and poor
in donating the most loved things
in enjoying the words of God
in waking up at early morning
in hunting the laylatulQadr

© Saadah Khair
20 Sha'ban 1433H

Monday, 9 July 2012

Monday's Motivation #6

Saadah, Use your wisdom to achieve hope and dream~!

Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Tuesday, 3 July 2012

Magnificent Muslimah Empowered

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, He is the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

All praises and thanks to Allah, the Lord of the universe. The Cherisher and Sustainer of the World, Master of the Day of Resurrection. Peace and blessings be upon the last Messenger, Prophet Muhammad sallahu'alaihiwasallam. Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah..

First and foremost, thank you Allah for the opportunity of attending an excellent conference, exclusively for women who witness that Allah is the only Lord and Prophet Muhammad is the last Messenger of Allah. Thank you to my husband for his permission which allowed me to enjoy my whole day in the conference in order to seek knowledge, as a supplier to be a good wife and better Muslimah. Thank you sis Munira for being a representative to buy a ticket which is cheaper than others (group ticket). Not forget, thanks to all the speakers (local and international) who shared beneficial knowledge, as well as friends on such valuable day.

30 June 2012 (Saturday)
Organized by Mercy Missions

Honestly speaking, I did not intend to share every single details of information that gathered during that day here, but highlight some of important things only.

 "No prince or knight can save you but God" 

"Dear Muslimah, you are not slave to anybody, you are not slave to fashion, you are not slave to beauty, you are not slave to a man, but you are a slave only to God"

"Your spouse will be the greatest test, a tool for painful process to seek God's bless" 

"Muslimah will love what Allah loves, Muslimah will not expect what others can give, but think what she can give to others"

"WE (Muslimah) does not need to be just like man to be honoured!" 

"The problem begins when we put a gift in  our hearts and Allah in our hands"

"Ask the following questions; What do you think about most? What makes you cry? What makes you most angry? What is the first thing you think in the morning? What is the last thing you think at night? What keeps you up at night? What do you think about in your prayers? Did you answer God? Or something else?"

"If our heart breaks for a wrong reason, and the reason is not for Allah, we should be ASHAMED"

"If you love someone more than your love to Allah, there is problem inside yourself"

"Take lessons on what you see around you"

"In fact, we are made from the same thing with those ladies in Jannah (Khadijah, Aisyah, Fatimah...), but the problem is we make our self, we create our self, and not follow what Allah wants to make us"

"Change is a process, it is not a wish, it is not a dream"
"Change is real, not magical. To change yourself, go back to our original nature which needs change"

"Don't expect others to change themselves if you dont want to change yourself"

"Empower ourselves with knowledge. Knowledgeable Muslimah is smart & beautiful. She doesn't believe in impossible" 

"Hijab is meant to hide your body, and highlight your character, your personality, your strength "

"How can we dont have a goal if Syaitan has so many goals???. Syaitaan is weak, all it can do is just distract you or blur your vision, that's all. Why do we give in?"

"Make mothering a hobby, not a job or a chore"
"Never try to be a perfect mother. Because we are not perfect and will never be perfect"
 "Mothers have natural GPS. But we need to continuously upgrade the system with skills and knowledge"

"People judge results, Allah judge efforts"

"Death awaits us all. And we'll all be asked about Allah's blessings that we wasted"

"Exemplary Muslimah is the one who knows the best for her family, for her children and for herself"

"10 Qualities of Exemplary Muslimah are:
1. Patience
 Eg: A wife of one the Companions who did not not eat the whole night with her children & husband, for giving all the food to honour the guest. A verse was revealed because of their action [See Surah al-Hashr, verse 9]

2. Donate to others

3. Pious
Eg: Wife of Haitham

4. Tawakkul
Eg: Wife of Hashimi

5. Holding into Islam & never let it go
Eg: Hawa, wife of Qays who being abused by his husband.

6. Eagerness of looking after her children
Eg: Umm Sulaym, wife of Malik, mother of Anas bin Malik.

7. Marriage for the sake of Islam, not for wealth.
Eg: Asma bint Abu Bakr, wife of Zubayr ibn 'Awwam. Their mahr of marriage is a metal ring only.

8. Manners and respect to the husband
Eg: Asma, wife of Sa'id ibn Musayyab

9. Eternal love for husband
Eg: Umm darda', wife of Abu darda'. She promised to not marry again after her husband passed away even though received to many proposal. She wanted to be the queen for her husband in Jannah

10.Call to the path of Allah
Eg: Umm Shurayk who firms in her Imaan even abused by Quraysh by being tied at a tree in a very hot season, for 12 days."

InsyaAllah, I will continue my sharing in the next entry.

**Reminder to myself, Knowledge must come with action.