Tuesday, 22 March 2011

'Girang' Day

20 Mac 2011 is a date that should not be forgotten. This was my fourth participation (please refer HERE, HERE and HERE for my previous participation) in supporting the culture of reading among the Malaysians. Although it refers to LRT, but this 'cool' culture is not only refer to that particular public transportation, but reading can be done everywhere~!

As previous programmes, there will be no ribbon cutting, no protocol, no special ceremony, even though there are special person, acknowledged participants, and respected book readers joined on that day. We gathered at Terminal Putra around 10.15 am. This time, at first I planned to go alone because I'm sure that I will meet many new friends there, but I also invited my friends to join us. Luckily, one of my friends, she also my colleague at IIC, want to join and will bring her 3 children, moreover after this she will move to Kedah and work there. So, it will be her last time to use LRT before she moved to Northern state.

Liza and her two sons and one daughter.

As usual too, we just focus in reading like nothing happened. Read and read without wasting our time. I brought a special book 'Risalah untuk Kaum Muslimin' written by Syed Naquib al-Attas, and it is a serious book that should be read by Muslims.

What make me happy is I met new friends and they were book lovers like me too. Hope that this friendship is not for one day, but will keep in touch after this. Sharing from my new friends can be read HERE and HERE.

Memory 20 March 2011 (Photo credit to Huzaifah Ahmad)

This 'Girang' Day has a very special person that importantly to be acknowledged for his effort in establishing the first Booktown Movement. He is a Welsh bookseller, known for his contribution to the success of Hay-on-Wye as a centre for second-hand bookselling. He is also the self-proclaimed "King of Hay". Read more HERE. Please click HERE as well to see his book shop online. It was a great pleasure that he spent a day with all of us that morning. And a reason that I impressed with him is that he is a year older than my father and he is still strong enough in supporting people to read..

King Richard Booth

During interview session with him, I had opportunity to ask some questions to his stepdaughter. I asked her: "May I ask a silly question? Is he a real King?". "In UK, it is free for anyone to declare himself as a King, by establishing his own kingdom and follow certain rules as a King," she answered with a very nice smiling. Really?? Impressive. If in that case, I wanna be a King too..lalala~~

There was also special guest from International Booktown Organization in Malaysia. Now, all of us know that there are booktown in Langkawi and Malacca. Interesting~! It is better if there will be a booktown in KL too..

Heaven for book readers

Destination for that day is Bookxcess at Amcorp Mall. A book heaven..huhu. But unfortunately I didn't have more budget to spend in buying books on that day because I spent around RM100 to buy books last two weeks, and there were many books that have not read yet. But I wanna go shopping at Bookxcess next week InsyaAllah, wanna join me? :)

Last but not least, Chinese proverb says "A book is like a garden carried in the pocket". So, bring a book is not enough, but read that book will create a real garden around us. Bring book every time, read book everywhere.

Now, let's read.. ^_^

Video klip khas BACA@LRT yang telah berlangsung pada 20 Mac 2011 dengan kerjasama PTS, GPTD, PKPIM dan Team GKKI.

Sunday, 20 March 2011

Are you a Postgraduate Student ??

I put a question that should be asked to those who claimed themselves as a postgraduate student. If you say YES for that question, do you know your role as PG Student? Do you know that PG students are future Muslim leaders? Do you realize the heavy responsibilities as PG Muslim students? Answer these questions inside your heart okay..

Attending lecture given by Prof. Dr. Abdul Rashid Moten is very interesting and worth~! He waited for a long time to deliver his speech for this important topic "The role of Postgraduate Students as Future Muslim Leaders." It is an obligation for us, especially PG students to know own own roles and responsibilities, so I will not leave this opportunity to listen to him (in addition I miss his lecture so much) and share with all my friends.

Prof. Dr. Abdul Rashid Moten

To become a PG student is not easy. It is not a coincidence, and it is not suppose to be the last choice to further education. Prof. had said that becoming a PG student is a step to become a scholar (Ulama'), and being a scholar, it does not mean that they are the most perfect and knowledgeable person. Although we are not perfect and was created as a weak creation, but Allah asked His servants to do the best in any matter. A scholar is the one who has knowledge and does not stop in acquiring knowledge. The more you acquire knowledge, the more you know that you don't know. When you realize that you don't know, you should know that there are many things that you should know. Do you get it?? The wise man is the one who know what he don't know.. So, the first role of PG student is acquire knowledge~!

There are 4 types of people in acquiring knowledge:
  1. Those who don't have any knowledge, and they know that they have no knowledge. A way to response them is sympathy and encourage them to seek knowledge.
  2. Those who have knowledge little bit, and they know but they think that they don't know. A way to response them is by giving them confidence.
  3. Those who know that they have limited knowledge, and they know that they have knowledge. A way to response them is benefit and learn from them.
  4. Those who don't have knowledge, but they think that they have knowledge. Most of these people occupying the position among society and keep up bluffing others. A way to response them is DON'T be like them and keep away yourselves from them.
When you have knowledge, you can differentiate between good and bad, true and wrong. This would be the second role, doing good and avoiding bad. Imam Al-Ghazali said that observing good people and associating with them will benefit mankind. It is because humans by nature are imitative and they learn by imitation. If we associate with bad people, indirectly we are following them, and if we associate with good people, indirectly we are imitating them. Thus, be careful in choosing friends..

Muslims unable to know what is good and bad without referring back to the Islamic Guidance. Being PG student is the one who should conscious about religion (Islam). Although you are not specializing in Islamic studies, but other people especially outsiders will expect that PG students know everything. The most important knowledge about Islam is to understand the primary sources of Islam; Quran and Sunnah.

Then, being a knowledgeable person, you should seek knowledge for the sake of Allah, then it will be Ibadah. The intention of being PG students is not because of status, name, recognition, or anything else, because all knowledge come from Allah and we only know small part of that knowledge.

Besides that, how knowledgeable person you are, it is useless if you keep it for yourself. Then, you should have skills to distribute the knowledge. Knowledge is something that should be shared to everyone, because the more you give, the more you get, and it will not be reduced.

Another important role of PG student is respect yourselves, and respect others. You cannot respect others without respecting yourselves, and it is incomplete if you don't respect the knowledge. From respect, you will get things back~!

May Allah bless Prof for his sharing..

May Allah bless all of us..


**Postgraduate students are the one who further M.A, PhD and higher grade of education.

Saturday, 19 March 2011

Aa Gym di UIAM

Abdullah Gymnastiar atau lebih dikenali sebagai Aa Gym (sebut huruf G seperti perkataan 'gigi') adalah nama yang tidak asing lagi di Indonesia, mahupun di Malaysia. Pertama kali mengenali beliau ketika sesi Usrah, tatkala saya masih setahun jagung di UIAM. Cerita-cerita tentangnya buat saya kagum, apatah lagi setelah membaca buku tulisannya. Malah dia sering menjadi tetamu di Astro Oasis. Baca biodata beliau di SINI.

Kehadiran Aa Gym di UIAM adalah sesuatu yang sangat ditunggu-tunggu. Saya juga tidak mahu melepaskan peluang itu walaupun saya mempunyai dua program pada hari yang sama (19 Mac 2011). Tiada serban, wajahnya agak berbeda. Beliau amat sederhana. Kelembutannya sama dirasa..

Ada beberapa perkongsian yang harus dicatat dan dikongsi bersama. Bicara Aa Gym pada petang semalam adalah berkaitan tentang perdamaian dan pertengkaran. Kata beliau: "Pertengkaran sering berlaku kerana ingin dekat kepada duniawi, tapi kita tak perlu bertengkar untuk dekat pada Allah.." Oleh itu ada empat perkara penting untuk menghasikan perdamaian:
  1. Carilah persamaan dahulu sebelum perbezaan. Walaupun hakikatnya kita semua itu berbeza, perbezaan itulah yang mengikat agar kita terus bersama.
  2. Tidak perlu jadi orang yang suka menonjolkan diri (over acting/show off). Jadilah seperti jantung yang bergerak setiap saat, duduknya diam di dalam jasad, tapi tak pernah menonjolkan diri.
  3. Usahlah meremehkan orang lain kerana kehidupan kita ini sememangnya memerlukan orang lain. Tak perlu juga merendahkan orang lain kerana kita sememangnya rendah di mata DIA. Kita juga tak perlu dikagumi ornag lain, tpai disuruh berbuat kebaikan untuk diri sendiri.
  4. Gunakanlah kelembutan, kerana ia bukan kelemahan tapi kekuatan. Kelembutanlah yang akan bisa buat kita akrab, kerana hati tak bisa diubah dengan kekerasan. Seseorang yang hilang kelembutan, hilanglah keindahan dalam dirinya.
Perkongsian peribadinya tentang bagaimana untuk menghadapi penghinaan sangatlah mudah. Katanya: "Kenapa harus memikirkan mulut orang, kerana tak bahaya dihina orang, tapi yang bahaya itu adalah menghina orang lain.."

Katanya lagi: "Kita semua ini rapi bukan untuk dipuji, tapi untuk menghormati.."

Nasihat terakhir beliau: "Ayuh perbaiki diri dan lakukan yang terbaik~!"


**Doa-doanya yang tulus di akhir program tak bisa menahan kekangan air mata.. Moga Allah memakbulkannya. Moga Allah merahmati kita semua..

Friday, 18 March 2011

Buku: Tiga Kali Seminggu

Tiga kali seminggu..
Isinya bukan hanya tiga kisah..
Tapi tiga hari, bacaan pun sudah..

Kisah Satu: Kisah Hakiman dan Zaharah.
Kisah rindu luar biasa indah, tapi ujian cinta takkan pernah sudah. Emosi dan perasaan menjadi hujah dalam diam tatkala lekas berdebat wacana bahasa Ibunda. Hadir pula Adibah membawa kisah, berakhir sudah hidup si jejaka. Matinya dia kerana hati; kanser dan makan hati.

Kisah Dua: Kisah Si Tuan Guru Tua.
"Kalau tak berada-ada, tak akan tempua bersarang rendah", kalau kisah ini tiada, tak akan pula timbulnya cerita si abuya. Perbalahan Tuan Guru tua dan muda, berlumba siapa yang punya lebih ilmu dan kuasa. Banyak cerita yang dipanjang-panjangkan, usah percaya si tukang cerita, hanya dongengan semata-mata.

Kisah Tiga: Kisah bantahan filem 'Fitna'
Pertikaian Islam itu adalah agama ganas untuk pengganas menjadi titik perbualan. Ia adalah fitnah! Islam bukan sedemikian rupa. Kisah perjalanan di Dhaka ini adalah kisah perkongsian ilmiyyah. Kisah Umat!

Kisah Empat: Kisah Manisah si anak Saigon.
Pencarian identiti bermula apabila ibu yang meninggalkan hanya sekadar ibu jagaan. Persoalan siapakah yang menkandungkan itu terjawab, tapi megundang gundah-gulana. Agamanya berbeza. Ibunya juga entah ke mana. Dia anak perang, tapi bukan anak terbuang!

Kisah Lima: Kisah Cinta Medeni dan Zanjabila.
Kedua-duanya cendekiawan. Sekufu ilmu dan juga agama. Demi masa, siang dan malam, mereka secocok untuk bersama. Demi satu soalan, Medeni sanggup mencuba, untuk memiliki pujaan hatinya, Zanjabila. Demi masa, bersabarlah dengan cinta, berpesanlah dengan kesabaran dan kebenaran.

Kisah Enam: Kisah Priyanka, Chai Yin dan Khatijah.
Tiga janda berbeza bangsa, bertekad untuk teruskan perjuangan bersama. Priyanka dengan Maruku nya, Chai Yin dengan kuih Pau nya, dan Khatijah dengan kuih Dangai nya. Niat mereka sama; untuk persembahkan kepada ketua negara, di malam laungan Merdeka. Hadiah ikhlas daripada tiga bangsa berbeza ini disambut mesra dengan senyuman lebar perdana pertama.

Kisah Tujuh: Kisah Hajah Abidah.
Kisah kehidupan glamor yang sudah berakhir. Pintu hatinya terbuka untuk ziarah ke Tanah Suci Makkah. Tidak tersangka ada yang jatuh hati pada bakal hajah ini, dilamar pula di hadapan Kaabah yang mulia. Tidak tersangka juga Ustaz al-Junied ditolak mentah-mentah, tapi tetap tak mahu mengaku kalah. Akhirnya, ada jawapan gembira di sebalik percubaan kedua, dan Kaabah itu menjadi saksi utama.

Kisah Lapan: Kisah Iran dan Syiah.
Perbualan Tse dan penulis menyentuh banyak kisah; Kisah percampuran budaya Timur dan Barat, kisah revolusi dan kekerasan, kisah kehebatan peradaban Islam, kisah pejuang bernama al-Afghani, san kisah menuju latar.....

Kisah Sembilan: Kisah sebuah warkah kepada Khalifah Allah.
Warkah tertulis panjang lebar, agar memberi hak keadilan kepada haiwan dan mergastua semesta alam. Hubungan di antara semua makhluk Tuhan harus dipelihara, keadilan harus sama-rata, kita semua tiada beza, jika sudah namanya 'kita dicipta', pasti yang hebat itu adalah Sang Pencipta!

Kisah Sepuluh: Kisah Muhammad Ulul Albab.
Kisah penjelajahan seorang arkitek bernama Mario Chavez. Kehidupannya berubah setelah pertemuannya dengan seorang pelukis bernama Pelangi. Entah kenapa nama 'Muhammad Ulul Albab' muncul dari bicara si Pelangi. Mereke berdiskusi tentang kesenian Melayu yang indah dan tentang Melayu sebagai bangsa Ulul Albab. Tugas manusia itu adalah memaknakan rahsia, dan rahsia pertemuan mereka adalah hidayah Tuhan kepada Mario menerima cahaya Islam.

Kisah Sebelas: Kisah Pemergian Muthupalaniappan.
Kisah ini kisah paling menyentuh hati, Kisah anak kecil bernama Muthupalaniappan yang besar tekadnya mempelajari bahasa Inggeris dengan Cikgu Rosmah. Wujudnya dia menguji kesabaran, hilangnya dia menjadi persoalan. Kehilangan Muthu bukanlah sementara, tapi selama-lamanya ketika menghafal nombor dalam Bahasa Inggeris.

Kisah Dua Belas: Kisah Haziah dan Perlak Emak.
Wasiat emak akan diturutinya, dan itulah yang Haziah yang akan pertahankan setelah pemergian satu-satunya emaknya. Memori bersama emaknya tak akan dilupakan sampai bila-bila. Emaklah yang memberi nasihat, emak juga lah yang mendendangkan hikayat.. Hikayat Malim Dewa tetap segar dalam ingatan Haziah.

Medannya indah bukan kepalang,
Rantaunya luas bagai terbentang,
Tebing singainya bagai diraut,
Pasirnya serong bentuk taji,
Di sana rumah di situ halaman,
Di sana sini pokok kelapa,
Nyiur gading lambai melambai...

Kisah Tiga Belas: Kisah Ustaz Agil dan Zaheeda.
Kisah ini yang menjadi buah mulut ramai. Kisah ini yang dicari oleh pembaca. Dan kisah ini penuh kontroversi.. Pertanyaan Zaheeda mengundah gulana hati sang Ustaz. Banyak hal yang tak pernah ditanya orang sudah terjawab segala persoalan. Banyak perkara yang harus disimpan rapi mengundang gelisah orang ramai. Ah! baca sendiri kisah ini.

Kisah Empat Belas: Kisah Zadie dan Manira.
Manira, seorang Muslimah yang diracuni oleh Zadie tentang kewujudan lelaki yang tak harus menjadi kepentingan. Zadia menolak fitrah yang Adam itu diciptakan untuk Hawa dan mereka saling memerlukan. Kisah ini mengangkat ayat 35, Surah al-Ahzab, juga ayat 30, Surah ar-Rum. Malah menyentuh juga buku Islam and Secularism karangan Syed Naquib al-Attas. Hidayah itu milik DIA, sekerasnya hati manusia, pasti akan lembut juga dengan KalimahNYA. Percayalah bahawa setelah diciptakan Adam, Hawa pula diciptakan. (Saya sangat suka kisah ini)

Kisah Lima Belas: Kisah Hilda dan Kegawatan.
Kisah ini kisah terakhir dan yang paling lebar berjela-jela. Sarat dengan isu semasa. Memetik kata Ziauddin Sardar yang dicatat penulis: 'Kita sebenarnya buta. Fenomena ini umpama mereka tahu mereka mahu mencapai sesuatu, tetapi mereka tidak tahu apa yang ingin dicapai. Mereka tergapai-gapai. Mereka tahu mereka ingin menuju ke destinasi, tetapi tidak pula tahu secara tepat dan munasabah ke mana mereka ingin pergi."

Rujukan lengkap, sila ke Blog penulis (Dr. Faisal Tehrani) di SINI.**Tak lupa ucapan terima kasih buat Cik Sabariah, si empunya pemilik buku ini..
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Sunday, 13 March 2011

Filem: Oh Merong~!

A History of Hikayat Merong Mahawangsa

This is the first Malaysian movie that really impressed me with the story line, accessories and actors. Nothing to say, but thumbs up to KRU Production for producing this kind of story. After watched this movie, I really wanna know the real history behind this story. Is that based on a true story or just an imagination? And now I think that I knew where is the truth. Hikayat Merong Mahawangsa (HMM) is a collection of story from Kedah (a state in Northern Malaysia), and maybe it was not only imagination, but a legend that should not be forgotten. Please read HERE for further info on the real story of HMM.

Based loosely on the 16th century historical document entitled ‘The Malay Annals’, ’The Chronicles of Merong Mahawangsa’ is an action-packed epic feature film, with mythical characters, magical moments and dazzling visual-effects sequences. Merong Mahawangsa was a descendant of Alexander the Great, a renowned naval captain and traveler who came to Asia several hundred years ago.

The year is 120 AD… a time when the Roman Empire is at the height of its power, during the reign of Hadrian – one of the Five Good Emperors. Meanwhile in China, the Han Dynasty is firmly cemented as the ruling empire and is expanding into Central Asia… one hundred years before the period of the Three Kingdoms. As the Roman fleet did their repairs and traded in Goa, they asked Merong Mahawangsa to escort a Roman prince to Southeast Asia, to wed a beautiful Chinese princess from the Han Dynasty. The Chinese princess and the Roman prince are supposed to meet halfway and be married on neutral grounds.

However, the pirate nation of Geruda had other plans. They decided to kidnap the Chinese princess and use her as ransom. En route to the Straits of Melaka, Merong Mahawangsa’s fleet was attacked by Geruda’s forces while stopping at a small island to replenish supplies.

Will Merong Mahawangsa be able to rescue the Princess and re-unite her with her betrothed in a marriage that is set to bring together two great civilizations from the East and West ?

The Summary of the movie was taken from HERE.

However, there are some critics towards this film. Of course, not all things will be considered good for everyone and different people have different opinions. Some comments that should be highlighted:
  • How can Merong is the one who really fluent in using English although he was living in his ship and sailing from place to another place ?
  • Why Embok was not properly dressed ? because it was known that the Malays at that time preserved the dress code of young woman.
  • Why should most of the Malay stories always used black magic as an issue to be disunited?
  • It should be nice if this movie emphasize some Islamic teaching that practiced by previous generations, and tell about the coming of Islam to the Malay land.
  • Additional comment from my student: Why not Ying Ying and her inang not speak using Chinese language? It is better if they speak Chinese rather than speak English to show the variety of languages in this film. And the Chinese General supposedly to speak Malay with Merong because he stayed in Malay land for a long time. Language also plays a very important role...
I rather not to say too much, but I have my own view even though I said that it is a good film. So, watch it and evaluate it by yourself.. :)

I end this entry with a favourite poem of Merong:

Sampai masa tibanya waktu..
Redup hati kaum berdua..
Bila dua jasad bersatu..
Hidup mati jadi bersama..

Saturday, 12 March 2011

Kasih Sayang Tuhan

Setelah dunia digemparkan dengan revolusi oleh rakyat di tanah Timur Tengah, dunia kini digegarkan pula dengan revolusi oleh alam di tanah Jepun. Adakah ini ujian atau nikmat? Atau petanda Hari Kiamat yang sudah dekat?

Semoga Allah ampunkan dosa kita semua..
Semoga setiap kejadian yang terjadi bukanlah sekadar sia-sia.. Tetapi di ambil pengajaran oleh kita yang dikurniakan akal fikiran..

Langit menangis..
Guruh berdentum..
Lalu tenggelam..

Gunung meletus..
Debu berterbangan..
Dan terus kabur..

Ombak menari..
Tinggi tak tercapai..
Musnah segalanya..

Bumi bergegar..
Retak sejuta..
Merekah tanpa kata..

Teriakan itu tak berguna,
Andai menyalahkan Yang Kuasa,
Air mata itu sia-sia,
Jikalah menuding jari ke arahNya,
Biarkan hati menerima,
Segala ujian yang menerpa,
Kerna ini adalah kasih-sayang Dia,
Rahmat buat yang masih ada,
Hikmah buat yang sudah tiada...

Teirma kasih Tuhan..

Saadah Khair
*Sajak ini telah disiarkan di Majalah Tunas Cipta, Januari 2011

Friday, 11 March 2011

Orientalist & Islamic Studies

Orientalism in general is the study of the culture of the East (orient) through Western perspectives. The word "Orientalist" refers to the Western (mostly not only Christian or Jewish_ scholars of Islam. They focus their studies on the culture and civilizations of the Orient or East or Morgenland, of Asia including the study of language, literature, history and religion.

Orientalists are concerned not only with the great, living civilizations (such as Islam, India and China) but also with ancient civilizations no longer exist (such as Egypt and Mesopotamia). They was also known as Indologist, Sinologist, Arabist, Islamologist or Islamicist.

The term of "Islamic Studies" was actually emerged from Orientalism. It refers to the study of the religion of Islam and of various aspects of Muslim cultures and societies. This term also known as Islamologie, Islamstudien, Islamkunde Islamwissenschaft or simply Islamistik and Islamics. Islamic studies that carried out in the West was part of the Oriental studies, and was sometimes also called Arabic studies or Arabistik.

Orientalists started their project in Islamic Studies with the Translation Movement, whereby many books written in Arabic was translated into Latin. The movement took place mainly in Spain and Italy, but also in France, England and Germany. The first Quranic translation into Latin done by Orientalist was Robert of Ketton (de Chester), was given name Lex Mahumet Psedoprophete. (So, be careful of using this kind of Quranic Translation). Then, many other books written by Muslim scholars was translated into other languages by Orientalists.

Simultaneously, the Orientalists also produced a new approach known as 'Historical-Critical Method" especially used in their writing on the matter of Islam. The basic of this method is: 1. Form Criticism, 2.Source Criticism, 3.Redaction Criticism, 4. Textual Criticism. Among Orientalists who excellent in using this method was Theodor Noldeke, Goldziher, W. Montgomery Watt and many more. Consequently, many theories were developed from that method; Theory of influence, Theory of Origin, Theory of borrowing, Theory of evolution, and Theory of Development.

The Orientalists also made an attempt in:
  • Reconstruction of Islamic Historical Events
  • Restoration of Islamic Text
  • Copy-editing al-Quran
  • Questioning the Arabicity of the Quran
There are comparison of Islamic Studies carried out by Muslims and Orientalist. Islamic Studies done in the West by Orientalists and Islamologists are characteristically different because:
  • They look at Islam as a subject of study or as a kind of symbol for the focus of their research, and not as a divine truth and guidance for mankind.
  • They seek relevant data about Islam for the sake of research, regardless of the meaning that Muslims as adherents of Islam attach to them, and irrespective of the truth they recognize in them.
  • They investigate Islam as a social phenomena, approaching things Islamic from the historical, cultural, sociological, anthropological, political or literary perspective and not merely from the viewpoint of Religion.
  • They also introduce ridiculous categories like: 'Islamic thought' versus 'Islamic observed', 'militant Islam', 'fudamentalist Islam', 'classical Islam', medieval Islam', 'modern Islam', 'radical Islam', 'progressive Islam', 'liberal Islam', etc.
This summary of Orientalist and Islamic Studies was taken while attending talk by Dr. Syamsuddin Arif in his Intellectual lecture, organized by IYC IIUM and HAKIM.

The question by myself is How deep we study Islam compare to the Orientalist? How to counter back with them when we know some of them are more knowledgable on the Islamic matters compare to Muslims? Lets think about it and Muhasabah ourself while admitting that we are real Muslim and they are Kuffar...

During the Q&A Session, there are discussions on the matter 'Muslim Orientalist' such as Fazlur Rahman. We also have to know to counter Orientalist in the term of 'Istighhrab' opposite of 'Istishraq'. Therefore, we have to make a serious and critical study on the Orientalists' works by accessing through many languages.

Last but not least, Dr, Syamsuddin gave a serious reminder "Don't write anything that you can please Orientalists, because they will never please with Islam"

Allah said in Surah al-Baqarah, verse 120:

ولن ترضى عنك اليهود ولا النصارى حتى تتبع ملتهم قل إن هدى الله هو الهدى، ولئن اتبعت أهواءهم بعد الذى جاءك من العلم ما لك من الله من ولي ولا نصير.

Never will the Jews or the Christians be satisfied with thee unless thou follow their form of religion. Say: "The Guidance of Allah,-that is the (only) Guidance." Wert thou to follow their desires after the knowledge which hath reached thee, then wouldst thou find neither Protector nor helper against Allah.


Sunday, 6 March 2011

Communicate with Books

Many people said that 'Book is the best friend ever, and it is the most patient listener", but the question is how we are talking and communicating with books if we consider them as our friends..

Actually, last two weeks, I wanna make my lecture interesting with my students. So, I asked them to go to the library instead of sitting in the class and listening to my lecture. I gave an order for them to find any books related to Da'wah Islamiyyah as many as possible in that library, even though IIC library is too small compared to IIUM library. While waiting their findings, I am hoping that they are not just looking for the books to complete the tasks, but I am giving them an opportunity to communicate with books...

"Miss, how we gonna communicate with them? they can't speak and maybe they can't listen too," asked one of my students.

"Yes, they don't have mouth to speak, and no ears to listen. But they speak through their words, and they listen through their papers. Communication is not only delivered verbally, but also non-verbal communication. Similar like human, they also communicate through their actions not only by their speech.."

That activity did not end only in IIC Library, but I invited them to go to IIUM Library too, with the same task. Alhamdulillah, they have done it nicely and hopefully they can benefit from this kind of learning process outside the class. Indirectly speaking, I want my students were given opportunity to communicate with books and develop their loves in reading, because reading is a bridge to gain knowledge..

During my childhood, I always imagine that books can speak and sing, they also can persuade me if I'm crying. I wrote a short story about this based on my imagination and gratefully, won that competition. There is nothing important in that simple story but sometimes I feel that I want it becomes true. If it is a true story, maybe it might shocking everyone especially book lovers..hehe..

Communication with books is a process to understand its content, and indirect chatting with the author. But sometimes, it is not enough to read the content of the book because some books need clear and precise explanation by the teacher, especially if it has heavy contains, and to avoid misunderstanding..

Stephen R. Covey said in his book 'The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People', page 60: "Book is not something to read once and put on a shelf, it is designed to be a companion in the continual process of change and growth". As an appreciation to books, let them be our companions and develop our loves to them by frequent communicating with them. They also have feelings like a human being, in which if we love someone, we always want to keep communicating with them..

Book Lover..

Tuesday, 1 March 2011

A Taste of Death

Allah said in Surah ali-Imran: "Every soul shall have a taste of death". [3: 185]
Death is confirm. When it will happen?? Only Allah knows....

Last Sunday (27 Feb 2011), I received a sad news that my uncle passed away in Singapore. He was sick before my grandfather passed away, staying in the same house with Arwah. The last moment ziarah to his house was during Eid. But I heard a news that he had some improvements because he was comma and stayed on his bed only. Only Allah knows the best for him..

Today, 1st March 2011, another sad news... I received an SMS from my younger brother this morning before my lecture session. I can't say anything but it was so sudden... Only two days passed, another death came again. Yeah, "Izrail" is doing his job following Allah's order... It was my uncle too. He was sick before this and had an heart operation. According to my brother's story, he fainted at the same day that my uncle passed away last Sunday and warded in the hospital. And today, Allah called him to meet him personally.. Allah knows...

The thing that make me sad is both of them have children around my age. They are my cousin. Most of them are staying in Singapore. All funeral session will be the Muslim Singapore graveyard. I'm here and can send my prayer far away.. What make me so sad is the disappearance of a person that we love most.. May Allah give them a great patience to face new coming days..

Surely we belong to Allah and to Hi shall we return. May Allah have mercy on their souls, forgive their sins, and grant them a place in Jannatul Firdaus and join them with the Muttaqin. Ameen..

**I'm afraid of losing my beloved father.... T___T