Sunday, 19 June 2011


Lelaki ini tidak pernah kenal erti putus asa
Lelaki ini tidak pernah jemu membahagiakan orang lain
Lelaki ini tidak pernah lelah mencari rezeki dan nafkah
Lelaki ini tidak penah lokek berkongsi ilmu dan pengalaman
Lelaki ini tidak pernah lupa untuk sentiasa mendoakan orang-orang di sekelilingnya
Lelaki ini tidak pernah mengungkap sayang dengan kata-kata tapi melalui perbuatannya

Lelaki ini sering tersenyum dan membuat orang lain tersenyum
Malah air matanya akan mengundang air mata orang yang menyanginya
Oleh itu, anak ini tidak sanggup melihat walau setitik air matanya menitis kerana ia sangat menyakitkan
Biarlah air matanya itu tanda bahagia, bukan tanda derita

Andai ramai yang sedang sibuk menyambut Hari Bapa, satu hari tidak cukup untuk menceritakan setiap kasih dan sayang seorang lelaki yang kupanggil Ayah..
Andai ramai yang mendedikasikan lagu-lagu bapa kepada bapa mereka, lirik lagu tersebut tidak cukup untuk meceritakan setiap titisan peluh ayah yang membahagiakan keluargaku..

Usah jadikan hari tertentu untuk menghargai bapa atau ayah..
Usah jadikan sesuatu yang tertentu untuk meluahkan rasa sayang kepada ayah..
Kita tidak perlukan hari tersebut, tapi apa yang lebih penting ialah kewujudan ayah dan doa kita buat dia itu lebih bermakna buat bekalan bapa-bapa yang sudah bertemu Tuhan..
Dan tulisan ini juga tidak mampu mencatat setiap pengorbanan si dia yang ku panggil Ayah..

Doaku agar Ayah sentiasa dirahmati dengan umur yang berkat, rezeki yang rahmat dan kebahagian yang selamat dunia akhirat..
Doaku agar ku mampu menjalankan tanggungjawab sebagai anak setelah Ayah menjalankan tanggungjawabnya dengan baik sebagai seorang Ayah..
Doaku agar Ayah dilindungi Allah setiap masa dan syukurku kepada Allah kerana kurniakan Ayah sebagai Ayah yang terbaik di antara yang terbaik..

Semoga satu hari nanti ada insan yang bisa jadi Ayah kepada bakal generasiku sepertimu Ayah!

Book: Fahrenheit 451

This book was recommended by one of my goodread's friend. She even lend me her book long time ago and I just finished reading this book on May 2011.

It's all about a life as a fireman. As we know, a fireman must be ready to perform job functions such as fighting fires, rescuing people or animals from burning or collapsed buildings and providing emergency medical assistance. Firemen also work with police, providing general assistance at accident and crime scenes. BUT, the main character in this book, Mr. Montag, works as a fireman who doesn't put out fires but start them in order to burn books, contradiciting to the real responsibility as a fireman.

Books are prohibited in the city. Any person who has books will be reported and firemen will straight away go to that house and burn all the books, and in one case, the book owner was burned together with her books. Montag has bad feeling about that and for the first time he thought that he realized that there was a man behind each one of books where he had think and had to take long time to put idea down on paper.

At the same time, he had a weird feeling after had meetings with his next-door neighbor Clarisse, a young girl thrilled by the ideas in books, and more interested in what she can see in the world around her than in the mindless chatter of the tube. When Clarisse disappears mysteriously, Montag is moved to make some changes, and starts hiding books in his home. Eventually, his wife turns him in, and he must answer the call to burn his secret cache of books. After fleeing to avoid arrest, Montag winds up joining an outlaw band of scholars who keep the contents of books in their heads, waiting for the time society will once again need the wisdom of literature.

I love when the author is trying to highlight the importance of book when Montag had chats with Faber. There are three important points:
  1. Book absolutely has quality of information. That quality means texture. It has pores, has good features. The more pores, the more truthfully recorded details of life per square inch you can get on a sheet of paper, the more literary you are. Its quality tells more about life and truth.
  2. Book fulfills with leisure to digest it. It contradicts to television and book's leisure is totally different with television.
  3. Book has the right to carry out actions based on what we learn from the interaction of the previous points. It speaks without voices.

And I'm sure there are more points about the importance of books. Read books, appreciate books, and maybe one day you will be books.. 6__^

Friday, 17 June 2011

Home Alone 7

I'm HOME but ALONE..
Why se7en? Because I love 7, but actually I'm alone at this home for around 7 days.
Luckily, I have bObO.
Thanks for accompanying me dear~

**My 'Home Alone' is not related to any series of 'Home Alone' Movie.. :)

Monday, 13 June 2011

A Death Calling

Innalillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un
To Allah we belong, and to Him is our return..

It was a second time that I received call during my lecture in class which telling about someone's death. The first one was my grandfather's and the second one was by brother-in-law's (8th June 2011). It was decided by Allah. That death is a calling from Him..

Condolences to my sister for her husband gone forever and will not coming back in this world. Hopefully Allah will give her a strong patience to survive her life with her two sons. I will always be there if you need me sis... I will be your good listener. I will offer myself to take care of your sons and you can ask me everything, I'm trying to help you as best as I can..

It was the first time ever that my house preparing for dead man and keep receiving visitors and guests who wanna share their condolences and sympathies. Thank you for everyone.

Thanks Allah for remind all of us that death is coming to everyone regardless of their age, health condition, status, religion, race, educational background or any thing else. When it will come? Allah knows.. Allah knows.. Allah knows...

The question should be asked to ourselves is: Are we ready??

**You can download Death: A Gift for a Believer HERE

Tuesday, 7 June 2011

The Best Teaching Profession

"Miss.. Miss..". A student called me and get closer to me.

"Assalamualaikum. How are you?"

"Waalaikumussalm. It's been long time not see you in this college.."

"I'm still teaching here". I replied with a smile.

"Miss, I need your help, but... Guys, could you please go first, I wanna talk to my lecturer for a while". She asked her two friends go for not listening to our discussion.

"Yes, continue. If I can help, I'll try my best". I have a responsibility to help any of my students if they need help especially in study matters.

"Miss.. hmm.. I need help. I think that I want to learn al-Quran from you." I keep silent waiting for her explanation. "I am so jealous when I see many of my friends already khatam al-Quran, and they can read very well. I'm still remember your advice in last semester about reading al-Quran. Miss, please teach me. I will pay..."

Before I give any answer, my mind go back to a memory of teaching subject Usrah every Friday morning. This is compulsory subject for Muslim students. Many of them can read al-Fatihah very well but unable to write it well and not understand the meaning of that surah. At the same time, I realized that there are many students cannot read Quran in a good way with good Tajweed. And the student in front of me is among those who cannot read al-Quran due to lack of religious knowledge.

She even told me her personal problem which related to her family problem. She never learned al-Quran during her childhood because she entered international school. She agreed to further study in this college because of her grandmother, and her mother still does not allow her to study here. My heart said that I should help her...

"Dear, InsyaAllah, I will try to help you, but please do not pay anything. Arrange your time first, then come and tell your free time. I will arrange my free time as well."

"Miss, thanks miss... I'm really want to read Quran correctly. Thank you Miss. Thank You."

After that short meeting, I'm still remember her face and I'm waiting her call for our first Quranic class. Praise be to Allah to give her guidance and please always show us the right path to be among those people in Jannah..

A beautiful Hadith from Prophet Muhammad PBUH: “The best among you is the one who learns Quran and teaches it” (Bukhari). It shows the significance of Quran teaching profession in the eyes of our Prophet PBUH. Any person who learn Quran and then teaches it to the others, enjoys a very reputable and high status in the eyes of our Prophet Muhammad PBUH.

Then, the Prophet (PBUH) also said: "The one who is proficient in the recitation of the Quran will be with the honourable and obedient scribes (angles) and he who recites the Quran and finds it difficult to recite, doing his best to recite it in the best way possible, will have a double reward." (Bukhari and Muslim). May Allah give such rewards to my students.

There are many rewards of reciting the Quran. An authentic hadith in At-Tirmithee states: "Whoever reads a letter from the Book of Allah, he will have a reward. And that reward will be multiplied by ten. I am not saying that “Alif, Laam, Meem” is a letter, rather I am saying that “Alif” is a letter, “laam” is a letter and “meem” is a letter.” So, lets increase our recitation of the Qur’an to gain these merits and rewards given by Allah.

May Allah make us never forget to read Quran even once per day.

Hadith: Se7en Under God's Shadow

"There are seven whom God will shade with His shade on the Day 
when there is no shade except His; 
a just ruler, 
a youth who grew up in the worship of His Lord,
a man whose heart is attached to mosques, 
two men who love each other only for God's sake, meeting and parting for that love,
a man who resists the call of a woman of noble birth and beauty to commit fornication, but he refuses and says "I fear God", 
a man who gives charity secretly so that his left hand does not know what his right hand has given 
and a man whose eyes flood with tears whenever he remembers God in private."
(Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim)

Further explanation of this Hadith can be read HERE.

**LOVE this Hadith so muchh..

A Story of Pencil

I wanna share a story of a pencil.. yeah.. pencil.. as I read from Like The Flowing River written by Paulo Coelho. It was a simple story but with thousand meanings.

Ok, the story begin....

A boy was watching his grandmother write a letter. At one point, he asked:
"Are you writing a story about what we've done? Is it a story about me?"

His grandmother stopped writing her letter and said to her grandson:
"I am writing about you, actually, but more important than the words is the pencil I'm using. I hope you will be like this pencil when you grow up."
Intrigued, the boy looked at the pencil. It didn't seem very special. "But it's just like any other pencil I've ever seen ! "

"That depends on how you look at things. It has five qualities which, if you manage to hang on to them, will make you a person who is always at peace with the world..

First quality: You are capable of great things, but you must never forget that there is a hand guiding your steps. We call that hand of God, and He always guides us according to His will (refer God to Allah only, the best guidance is Quran and Sunnah).

Second quality: now and then, I have to stop writing and use a sharpener. That makes the pencil suffer a little, but afterwards, he's much sharper. So you, too, must learn to bear certain pains and sorrows, because they will make you a better person.. (yeah, no pain, no gain... Suffer might makes you become better person..)

Third quality: the pencil always allow us to use an eraser to rub out out any mistakes. This means that correcting something we did is not necessarily a bad thing; it helps to keep us on the road to justice. (using pen cannot be erased except using liquidpaper, and it's, pencil is better... hehe)

Fourth quality: what really matters in a pencil is not its wooden exterior, but the graphite inside. So, always pay attention to what is happening inside you.. (it's so true, because, nowadays, we prefer to use mechanical pencil..but the graphite used is still the same.. still can be erased.. still in black colour.. be attentive in your inside rather than outside~!!!)

Finally, the pencil's fifth quality: it always leaves a mark. In just the same way, you should know that everything you do in life will leave a mark, so try to be conscious of that in your every action.. (absolutely true.. the mark can be good or bad.. so, use pencil wisely to have good mark as to act correctly as taught by Quran and Sunnah in our life...)

 So, that's it... I bold the important points, and put some of my comments there.. The quality of pencil not only seen in our eyes, think with your mind, and feel with your heart...

Thanks to Paulo Coelho for the simple but nice story..
Thanks also to all my pencils which have the right to be appreciated.. All of you means a lot...
Thanks for the blessing day today..
and the most important Thanks is...
Thank You Allah!

Buku: Bahlut

Bahlut. Anak Semai. Anak Orang Asli. Anak pejuang. Anak luar biasa. Kisah dia juga bukan kisah biasa. Juga bukan kisah cinta. Ini kisah Bahlut yang mahu mengubah kehidupannya di dalam dunia yang berbeza: dunia hutan dan dunia trek. Kehadirannya ke Kuala Lumpur selepas tragedi yang menimpa keluarganya adalah detik perubahan Bahlut menunjukkan bakat yang ada. 'Perenheg' (pecut) adalah pembakar semangatnya menjadi atlet kebanggaan negara. Bahlut bukan sahaja bertemu semula dengan bondanya setelah berjaya, malah dapat memelihara kampung tempat kelahirannya yang jauh di pedalaman ketika dicerobohi kegiatan pembalakan haram. Saya tidak mahu mengulas panjang tentang Bahlut, sila baca dan hayati sendiri...

Walau apapun, saya ingin melihat sendiri kampung tersebut yang dikatakan benar2 wujud oleh FT. Kampung Orang Asli Bukit Payung namanya. Saya juga mahu berjumpa sendiri dengan Orang Semai untuk mengetahui sendiri kisah mitos Bahlut yang dikatakan adalah seorang pahlawan yang berani. Ini adalah kerana sepanjang saya mengenali Orang Asli di dalam kegiatan dakwah bersama mereka, jarang benar saya berpeluang ke kampung OA yang berketurunan Semai. Konsep Satu Malaysia yang diketengahkan FT untuk tidak meninggalkan kaum minoriti di Malaysia juga adalah satu usaha yang sangat baik.

Jika berpeluang, saya mahu mengajak sendiri FT menyertai program2 yang pernah saya sertai ke kampung2 OA dalam menyebarkan dakwah Islam kepada mereka, kerana pada pendapat saya, FT menulis kisah ini melalui beberapa informasi dari rakan dan sumber yang dipercayai, tapi saya kurang pasti adakah FT pergi sendiri bergaul dengan mereka, mengetahui kisah kehidupan seharian mereka, dan kemudian menghasilkan Bahlut yang benar2 menarik hati saya.

Saya berdoa agar diberi kekuatan untuk menulis tentang perjalanan dakwah kepada mereka, cuma saya masih belum mampu kerana mempunyai komitmen yang lain. Pengalaman berdepan dengan mereka adalah pengalaman terbaik yang pernah saya ada. Semoga perjuangan ini tidak berakhir dengan mudah!

**Ulasan buku ini telah disiarkan awal di blog lama tapi hilang entah ke mana dan disiarkan semula ke dalam blog ini.

Monday, 6 June 2011

The Understanding of Happiness

 Throughout the ages, the concept of happiness has been widely discussed by the great thinkers of the past oriental or occidental. The Greek philosophers have stated in clear a term that the ultimate happiness will take place through what they called virtues. They unanimously agreed that there are four cardinal virtues, namely temperance, courage, wisdom and justice. Thus a happy person is the one who possessed these cardinal virtues in their selves.

Unfortunately, happiness in the context of modern western man is never been defined in a definite manner. It has continuously changed depending of which philosophical school or line of thinking these definitions are derived from. The utilitarians will define happiness based on their practical purposes. The hedonistic school will define happiness based on pleasure and pain. The homosexuals will on the other hand view happiness as what satisfy their animalistic instincts. All these groups will view happiness based on their biased subjective mind. Happiness has become a relative thing and the western man will never be happy with whatever definition of happiness given.

What is the view of the Quran on happiness? In the Quran happiness is termed by the word sa’adah. Whenever the term sa’adah mentioned in the Quran, it is always related into two conditions; the happiness in the hereafter (ukhrawiyyah) and happiness in the present world. For a Muslim, the ultimate happiness is the happiness in the hereafter as mentioned by God in Surah Hud (11:108):

‘And those who are happy shall be in the Garden; they will dwell therein o long as the heaven and the earth endure, except as our Lord will, a gift without break’
This sa’adah refers to the happiness which is everlasting, the highest of which is to see God in the hereafter which is promised to those who inwardly have lived in a willing submission and conscious obedience of God’s commands and prohibitions. This definitely does not mean that a Muslim cannot attain happiness in this world. To be happy in this world is to prepare one self for the ultimate happiness in the hereafter by having a strong faith and firm belief in God. It is a state of spiritual tranquillity which is everlasting, permanent and stable in one’s heart. It is deep feeling of secure and becoming free from fear, not the fear from God but the fear of the unknown , of the utter loneliness, and more importantly free from the fear of death and what lie beyond death. 

This is exactly what is meant by all the good virtues in Islam such as temperance (‘iffah), abstinence (wara’), piety (taqwa), truthfulness (sidq). All these religious virtues nevertheless should be preceded by the prior condition of consciousness in the soul of truth which is termed by the Quran as yaqin. There are three level of certainty mentioned by the Quran, ‘ilm al-yaqin, ‘ain al-yaqin and haqq al-yaqin.

It is clear that happiness in Islam does not thus refer to the bodily or material aspect of the human life. As a matter of fact, the abundant material wealth, excessive physical pleasure sometimes contributes to the prevention of the true happiness. How many cases have we seen people with abundant of wealth are deprived from gaining the true happiness in their life. Their material bounties, on the other hand, are the very origin and cause of their unhappiness.

The Qur’an mentioned about Qarun, the multi-billionaire of the classical age, whose key of his boundless treasures is reported equivalent to the weight of 300 camels, has been swallowed by the earth, as a reminder to the later generations that it is not the acquisition of the worldly pleasures that are blessed by the all-Mighty God. By stating this it is also not true to deduce that Islam is an anti-material gain. Islam simply views material wealth is only one of the tools to a more absolute kind of happiness which goes beyond the boundary of the physical gain. 

This is the very reason God states in the Quran (Al-Kahfi 18:46)

“Wealth and children are temptation of the life of this world; the only things endure, are good deed, which is the best in the sight of your Lord as rewards and as the best hopes.
It is interesting to see that the contrary of sa’adah is termed by the Quran as shaqawah, which conveys the meaning of great misfortune and misery in general. Shaqawah is the generic term which include within it many other terms also mentioned in the Quran as khawf (fear), huzn (grief), dank (narrowness), hasrat (profound grief and regret for something gone and never be experienced again). These terms are used in the Quran to denote those who turned away from God and spend his life in self-waste which than he discover after death how he has lost his soul and appeal toward God in turning back to worldly life to make good deeds.

As accurately observed by Prof . Syed Muhammad Naquib al-Attas, the term shaqawah is reflected in the concept of tragedy in the Western literary tradition. It was very popular in the field and art and literature and gained its roots from early Grek thinker, Aristotle in his book Poetics. Contrasted with comedy in the field of theatre, tragedy is referred as a narrative recounting the life of some ancient or eminent person who suffered a decline of fortune toward disastrous end as a result of either personal failings or circumstances beyond his control. It is a constant failing from prosperity to suffering and chaos. According to the western writers, the function of tragedy is actually to help people to overcome the thought of death in their life.

This concept of tragedy is not confined to the field of art, but later it started to creep into the real life of the western man. Their thought, their feeling and the whole life of western man has been infected with the tragic spirit. It manifests crystal clear in the modern literatures, film and sports. The existence of huge film industry such as Hollywood is one of the symbols of the tragic spirit of the western man. Through film, they try to search for the meaning of life by portraying various episode of life of man with tragic experiences. If we are the attentive watchers of the western films, we can simply see the effect of the Greek tragedy in the films. Every film will start with a harmony stage followed by a tragedy and later came the hero to overcome the trials and difficulties. Each and every film will show their ideal heroes facing thousand kinds of tribulations.

In the field of sport, the tragic spirit of the western man is also clearly manifested. The objective of sport which was initially to produce a healthy community has already transformed to be a tool of racial confrontation, riots, gambling and the most irony is that it becomes the way to destroy the health of human being with all its malpractices and abuses. In addition to that, all kind of weird and strange sport had emerged in our day. All these new sports are gradually moving toward an animalistic and barbaric in nature such as Gladiators and wrestling. I’m sure the spirit will gradually return back to the classical primitive age where the western man tries to associate themselves to the nature and the animal kingdom. 

These are all the manifestation of the western tragic spirit which is nothing to do with Islam.
This is what tragedy is all about and also what the Quran means by the term shaqawah. It is the total misfortune and misery of those who reject the guidance of God. To prevent themselves from the fear of death particularly, the western man keep on looking for a so called sensational activities to quench his lonely tragic spirit. They, according to Professor al-Attas, are just like Sisyphus in the Greek literature who pushed the stone up the hill where at the top it is destined to roll down again.

We pray to God that we will be among those who will attain the real happiness in this world and the hereafter. The happiness that is based on the real knowledge of God and the true certainty of the soul toward God. There is no other real tranquillity of soul for a Muslim than to gain the true knowledge, faith and consciousness of his Creator. What else does a man of faith really need when he already gained the ultimate knowledge of reality.

**This article was taken from the lecture of Dr. Farid Shahran. He delivered this topic in Friday Khutbah at IIUM Mosque on 6th Nov 2009.

Buku: Ranah 3 Warna

Tulisan Ahmad Fuadi dalam novel keduanya ini ternyata tidak menghampakan pembaca. Penuh semangat dan tidak pernah kenal erti putus asa. Terkesan dengan Negeri 5 Menara, tentunya saya ingin mengetahui kisah kehidupan Alif Fikri yang dicorak pelbagai warna di dalam sambungan trilogi ini..

Mantera Kehidupan

Pendidikan awal di sekolah Alif sangat memberi kesan yang mendalam ke dalam dirinya. Kata-kata semangat yang diajar guru Pondok Madani bukan hanya untuk setahun dua tapi memberi kesan bertahun-tahun lamanya. Mengambil mantera 'man jadda wajada' yang bermaksud 'siapa yang bersungguh-sungguh, pasti akan berjaya' sebagai mantera kejayaan untuk mencapai segala impian, tapi ia tidak cukup dengan itu sahaja kerana kejayaan itu takkan bermakna tanpa ujian yang menimpa. Oleh itu ia harus disertai dengan 'man sobara zofira' di mana keuntungan itu adalah milik mereka yang bersabar...

Selain itu, masih ada mantera lain iaitu 'man yazra' yahsud' yang menunjukkan bahawa siapa yang menanan pasti akan mendapat hasilnya, ditambah juga dengan 'man sara 'la darbi wasala' yang bermaksud sesiapa yang berjalan di atas jalannya pasti akan sampai ke tempat yang dituju...


Jikalau Ikal yang dicipta Andrea Hirata berani untuk bermimpi, Alif ciptaan Ahmad Fuadi juga tidak kalah untuk terus bermimpi dan menggapai impiannya itu. Kematian ayahnya bukan penghalang untuk dia mencapai impiannya, Randai juga bukan penghalang tapi saingan sihat, dan si Hitam setia menemani untuk mengejar mimpi. Impian untuk lulus ujian, masuk universiti, menulis di media nasional, menjejaki Jordan dan Kanda, semuanya tercapai.. Tapi hanya satu yang bukan rezekinya si Alif, iaitu gadis manis Raisa. Bukankah Jodoh itu memang ketentuan Tuhan!


Orang yang berilmu dan beradab tidak akan diam di kampong,
Tinggalkan negerimu dan merantaulah ke negeri orang,
Merantaulah, kau akan dapatkan pengganti daripada kerabat dan kawan,
Berlelah-lelahlah, manisnya hidup terasa setelah lelah berjuang

 -Imam Syafi'e-

Syair Imam Syafi'e inilah yang membakar untuk pergi jauh ke benua yang berbeza. Keberaniannya bermimpi dan mantera yang dipegang cukup menjadi rempah untuk dia hidup bertahun-tahun di negara orang. Walau hujan batu di negeri sendiri lebih baik, tapi Alif menggunakan setiap peluang yang ada untuk belajar dan mencapai perubahan baru di dalam hidupnya. Persahabatan dengan warga Quebec ternyata adalah peluang keemasan yang mengubah kehidupannya tapi tidak akan mengubah semangat cintakan negara dan keluarga tercinta.


Ia akan kosong jika dicorak satu warna. Ia akan berseri jika pelbagai warna berani mendekati. Ia akan mencabar jika ada duri yang menyakiti. Ia akan dinikmati jika bersyukur dengan segala ujian dan kebahagiaan.

Sunday, 5 June 2011

Buku: Sebongkah Batu di Kuala Berang

Ini kisah tentang Melayu. Kebanggaan Melayu itu adalah pabila dia bergelar Muslim juga Mukmin. Kedudukan Islam di sisi Tuhan tidak perlu dipersoalkan lagi, tapi pelbagai soalan timbul apabila menghurai asal-usul dan waktu kedatangan agama suci itu ke Tanah Melayu.

Seperti biasa, karya FT memang menjadi pilihan, walau dia banyak menimbulkan kontroversi besar dan kecil sehingga laman sesawangnya telah diambil tindakan tegas secara serta-merta. Dan buku ini adalah karya beliau pertama bersama PTS, sebagai penerbit karya Melayu tersohor.

Batu. Ya, batu itu lah yang menjadi bukti dan saksi. Kajian demi kajian yang dilakukan pada batu istimewa itu menimbulkan banyak persepsi yang berbeza. Satu pujian yang harus diberikan kepada FT apabila beliau menggunakan lebih daripada 20 buah buku sebagai rujukan ilmiyyah di dalam penulisan buku ini. Saya kagum dengan olahan fakta-fakta sejarah.

Akademi Seni Islam. Idea ini adalah sangat sihat! Di mana pelakon itu dididik dengan baik sepanjang latihan doku-drama. FT juga tidak lari daripada mengambil beberapa imej realiti yang nyata dalam dunia hiburan tanah air untuk menghidupkan seseorang karakter di dalam karyanya.

Kontroversi lagi. Ini bagaikan tidak asing lagi buat FT. Karya beliau tidak lari daripada mengkaitkan dengan nama Saidina Ali R.A secara langsung ataupun tidak. Sila baca dengan teliti dan berhati-hati..

Islam. Inilah yang harus menjadi kebanggaan walau di mana kita berada. Usahlah berdebat untuk menegakkan fakta bahawa ia datang dari sini atau sana, pada waktu ini atau itu. Setinggi-tinggi pujian buat DIA kerana mendatangkan nikmat Islam, Iman dan Ihsan di Tanah Melayu ini...

Wednesday, 1 June 2011

The Journey Continues...


1st June will be the first day of the operation of this new blog.. It was a very sad tragedy that I was unable to get back my previous email address and unable to defend it till the end. Due to that, my precious blog also lost and Blogger said that my blog has been removed!

However The Journey of Life is not my first blog. My first blog is The Survival of Life where it was my learning process to get along with blogging. Honestly, I learned a lot from my previous blogs, and I will never stop learning..

I don't want to repeat again why I have to change to another blog. Praise be to Allah that I still have opportunity to create other blogs and continue my journey of life..

I am totally agree with quotation from an unknown person: "A blog is a personal diary. A daily pulpit. A collaborative space. A political soapbox. A breaking-news outlet. A collection of links. Your own private thoughts. Memos to the world."

However, lets blogging for a good purpose..
Spread the good content and information...
Try our best to be good purpose...
Because all words written here will be accountable by The Almighty God...

Lots of love,