Tuesday, 26 October 2010

The Qur'an

In the Name of Allah, The Most Merciful, The Most Gracious.

As all of us know, Qur'an is the biggest Mu'jizah that Allah revealed to Prophet Muhammad as the guidance for all mankind. As a Muslim, we should thankful to Allah for sending us the best guideline and the accurate map to get the peaceful life as the vicegerent of Allah not only in this world but importantly in the Hereafter..

I am not a Hafizah al-Qur'an, who is memorize the al-Qur'an but I try my best to be the best reader of this Holy Book. Although I have a thousand books, but I will never forget to read The Book which contained The Word of Allah once in a day. If I can't read due to special reason, I will listen to the recitation of al-Qur'an from my laptop at that time. The most important thing, I will never let my soul empty with the light of al-Qur'an.

Actually, I wanna share about the talk that I attended last week at IAIS (International Institute of Advanced Islamic Studies Malaysia). The Public Lecture was jointly organised by IAIS Malaysia and Center for Civilisational Dialogue, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur. It was delivered by Prof. Dr. Carl W. Ernst (University of North Carolina, USA) on the topic "The Qur'an in the Popular American Imagination".

Some important points can be highlighted from the lecture:
  • Most of American unable to differentiate between the Qur'an and the Bible, only some of them can tell some differences about these two Holy Books, but not in a good way.
  • Christians assumption about the Qur'an was understood in two manners; Polemical and Apologetic.
  • Keith Ellison is the first person who swore using the Qur'an instead of the Bible in the court, year 2007. Further info read HERE.
  • There were more negative views of American towards the Qur'an compared to the positive one, especially in the context of violence against non-Muslim, sword verses, the command of hostility towards Christians & Jews, and Women issues.
  • The translation of the Qur'an among Christianity is trying to refute, go against and blaming the content of the Qur'an.
  • 10% of African slaves in America were Muslims. Refer to "Islam in Black America: Identity, Liberation, and Differences in Africa" by Edward E. Curtis.
  • Do not forget that the Muslims' imagination towards the Bible (corruption and nonsense) might be a reason of their bad imagination towards the Qur'an.
  • The Qur'an was the most wanted reading after 9/11. Among them were groups to find the truth or to put a blame on Islam.
  • The Qur'an is a free subject to be taken in American selected university. Anyone can learn it either Muslim or non-Muslim. Unfortunately, only Muslims can learn the Qur'an in Malaysia.
  • There should be another interesting method to learn the Qur'an which should be practiced in Malaysia, perhaps by the use of Multimedia and Arts.
  • New book of the speaker is "How to Read the Qur'an: A Reader's Guide to the Qur'an as Literature".

May Allah bless the speaker and a great sharing from him. May Allah bless all of us who take the Qur'an as the most important book in our life and practice its precious contents.


Monday, 25 October 2010

Books on Malaysian History

Phew.. History is the most difficult subject for me. I love to read Islamic History, but Malaysian History is too hard for me even though I am Malaysian. Maybe that's why, Malaysian government took a step to make the subject of History in SPM as the compulsory subject to be scored like BM. That was a very good idea for younger generation. Thanks God that it's not decided earlier for my generation..hehe..

As mentioned before, I'm in the progress of writing Chapter 4 of my thesis. It's all about Malaysia, especially in the context of the integration of society. So, I have to read a lots on Malaysian History. It really make me difficult to breath.......

Ok, let's see what should I read. This entry is my motivation to read again and again. Please never feel bored on Malaysian History..

The first book is The Struggle for Malaysian Independence by J.J. Raj. This book will help to understand all events which lead to the Day of Independence on 31st August 1957. There were many historical events to be focused on since I try to discover the history of Malaysian Society.

The second book is A History of Malaysia by Barbara Watson Andaya and Leonard Y. Andaya. This book is thick and contain a lots of information. But i really make me easily bored.. Argh! I'm trying my best to read and focus on the topic of British Colonialism from this book.

The third book is Speaking Out Loud for National Unity by Collin Abraham. It is the latest one compare to two books listed above. So, it discusses about Malaysia in our present days. The author also picks up the contemporary issues in his book. It make me easier to read. That's why I'm willingly to buy this book at MPH, while the rest of other books were borrowed from the library only.

Actually, three books were not enough. There are many books arranged besides me now, but I try my best to focus on these three books first. Please do suggest any books that you know to help me easily understand and use it for my thesis writing. Any suggestions and opinions are highly appreciated..

Thank You.

**Proud to be Muslim more than to be Malaysian..

Sunday, 24 October 2010

Cinta Padang Bulan

Karya Andrea Hirata seperti biasa tak pernah menghampakan saya. Ini adalah novel berikut selepas karya Tetralogi Laskar Pelangi mengaburkan mata pembaca dengan khayalan, mimpi dan imaginasi. Terima kasih buat penulis kerana menghasilkan tulisan yang indah dengan cerita-cerita inspirasi, tak lupa juga buat terima kasih seorang kawan yang telah membelikan buku ini jauh dari tanah seberang..

Kisah kali ini ceria dengan watak utama Ikal, Enong dan Detektif M. Nur. Ikal dan Enong itu meskipun berbeza, tapi semangat mereka yang kuat bisa menjadikan mereka teman baik secara tidak sengaja. Tuan Detektif yang pelik itu juga tidak kalah dengan semangat luar biasa sebagai seorang teman. Tapi ada satu semangat yang sangat luar biasa dari Ikal, iaitu semangat setia kepada cinta pertamanya.

Sejak ayahnya menolak satu-satunya hasrat Ikal untuk memperisterikan A Ling di dalam novel Maryamah Karpov, Ikal pergi jauh membawa diri. Cintanya pada A Ling melebihi segalanya. Akan tetapi, datang satu khabar mengatakan ayahnya sakit, dia harus pulang juga menziarahi satu-satunya ayah kesayangannya itu. Di perkampungannya, banyak kejadian telah terjadi, termasuklah kisah Enong yang diuji pelbagai ujian. Malah, berita yang benar-benar mencucuk hatinya ialah ketika mendapat tahu ada seorang lelaki sempurna telah melamar A Ling, cinta pertama pujaan hati Ikal.

Pelbagai rencana telah dirancang untuk menumpaskan musuh cintanya itu termasuklah berlawan papan catur dan pinpong, dan usaha gilanya untuk menambah ketinggian badan. Sayangnya tidak berhasil. Tapi ada satu penghasilan berjaya apabila persahabatan Ikal dan Enong semakin akrab gara-gara pembelajaran Bahasa Inggeris. Saya paling suka saat Ikal dengan mudah melontarkan kata-kata untuk sebuah puisi, dan satu baris puisi dari Bu Indra buat Ikal adalah sangat indah untuk difahami tentang bahayanya sakit cinta:

"Love walks on two feet just like a human being,
It stands up on tiptoes of insanity and misery.."

Ya, cinta itu lah penyakit dan penawar. Cinta itu lah kesengsaraan dan kebahagiaan. Cinta lah sebab utama Ikal menjadi sedemikian, malah tetap akan setia kepada A Ling yang sentiasa menginspirasinya di dalam senyap. Kisah cinta ini yang buat saya kagum, malah turut membuat saya jatuh cinta!

Pertemuan terakhir Ikal dan A Ling menjawab segala salah faham yang berlaku selama ini. A Ling dan Zinar dijodohkan, bukan bertemu secara sukarela. Ikal lega. Kehadiran Ikal ke majlis perkahwinan A Ling ibarat pertemuan pertama Ikal dengan A Ling sewaktu Sekolah Dasar. Penuh kemanisan dan kenangan.

Satu kesimpulan yang berani saya simpulkan ialah: Kerelaan agar orang lain lebih bahagia adalah kebahagiaan yang sangat bererti. Semoga A Ling bahagia dengan lelaki sempurna itu. Semoga Ikal juga bahagia dengan mimpi-mimpi yang dia bina selama ini. Tiada yang mustahil..

Kebahagiaan Sang Pemimpi yang membahagiakan orang lain.. Kisah Ikal bersambung lagi di buku yang seterusnya, "Cinta di dalam Gelas".

Selamat Membaca..
Selamat Membina Mimpi..

*Lelaki yang bisa buatku jatuh cinta ialah si dia yang bisa melontarkan kata-kata indah di dalam tulisan puisinya..

Saturday, 23 October 2010

The Path to Jannah

In the Name of Allah, The Most Merciful, The Most Gracious

Now, I'm writing this entry at KLIA while waiting my brother before he depart to Cairo, Egypt. Alhamdulillah everything was settled earlier, and I arrived here in a safe journey alone.

As stated in my previous entry about my little brother [read HERE], he finished his study in Shoubra, Cairo for 3 years, and this time he will further his higher study in the same field (Qira'at) for 4 years InsyaAllah.. It is a long time and anything could happen at that time, and I hope that everything will be fine InsyaAllah.

The Prophet (pbuh) said: "..He who treads the path in search of knowledge, Allah will make with it the path which leads to Jannah easy for him.." [Sahih Muslim].

He said again in another hadith: "If anyone travels on a road in search of knowledge, Allah will cause him to travel on one of the roads of Paradise.." [Abu Dawud]

There are so many hadith mentioned that the path to seek knowledge is the way to get an easy path to Jannah.. May Allah make his journey to study the Qur'an as an easy way for him to enter the Jannah. May Allah accept all of our deeds..

Hopefully, all my brother's dreams will be achieved. Be smart, Be happy~!

Our last picture together at KLIA.
InsyaAllah we will meet again within 4 years. Will miss you soon dear..

Allahumma Yassir fissafar~~

KLIA, 6.36pm
23 October 2010

**There is a hope in my heart to further study abroad too, InsyaAllah..

Tuesday, 19 October 2010

Busy as Bees

Alhamdulillah, I can breath again in front of my lappy.. :)

Actually we all breath in and out everyday, but sometimes we will have a specific day that we can breath freely and feel a relief.. Like I do now, writing an entry in my blog shows that I take a breath easily which means that I'm a little bit free, where I try to find my free time to write something here..

Last weekend I went back to my home at JB, because my mom told me to do that..hehe.. Actually I'm very busy during that time, but I don't want to break my mom's heart and fulfilled her wish to go back to JB. Alhamdulillah everything was ok, and I found something interesting during my two-days at home. It is about the meaningful definition of HOME.

Home and House are totally different even though they might carry similar understanding. A House is made of walls, bricks and stones, a Home is built with love and happiness, but a house can be a Home when it shelters the body and comforts the soul. Do you see the differences? Hmm.. Thanks to my parents for building a home for my family, even though my house is not big, but I can feel that our Home is big and bigger in our hearts..

Regarding to the title of this entry, "Busy as bees". It is just a parable of sentence, because bee is an animal that always busy and never feel tired and boring of their works and responsibilities. Yes, I'm busy but I'm not a busybody.. :)

Actually, being a busy person, it will make us better in time management. I involved to be a busy student since my undergraduate and it really helped me a lot to manage time wisely. I can't imagine if I'm not busy and freely do everything that I want, but at the end, I just do nothing.. That's why I prefer to be busy..

And I'm sure if I say that I am busy, there are a lot of people outside there are busier than me. I'm grateful to Allah, although that I'm busy, but I still have time to spend with HIM during my prayer, I still have time to keep in touch with my family and friends because I appreciate all of them, and I still have time to myself. Alhamdulillah ya Allah...

Allah emphasized the importance of the time in Surah al-'Asr, He said: "By (the Token of) Time, Verily Man is in loss, Except such as have Faith, and do righteous deeds, and (join together) in the mutual teaching of Truth, and of Patience and Constancy."

The Prophet said in a hadith: "" الوقت كالسيف إن لم تقطعه قطعك
"The time is like a sword, if you not cut the time, it will cut you"

I do appreciate every second, minute and hour in my busy days. I hope that my busy days will improve myself to be better in the future. And I'm still in the process of learning, so, I can take any example from my family or friends who are more busy than me, and take it as motivation to myself..

"The busy bee has no time for sorrow" -William Blake

"Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon

"Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it" -Henry David Thoreau

"We may be very busy, we may be very efficient, but we will also be truly effective only when we begin with the end in mind" - Stephen R. Covey

**Congratulation to my cousin from Singapore, Ummi Salamah who will further study in Syria on 1st November, and not forget to my younger brother, M. Zikri, who will continue his higher study in Egypt this Saturday, 23rd Oct. Allahumma yassir~~

Tuesday, 12 October 2010

Chapter 4

Alhamdulillah, I begin my progress to accomplish another chapter for my thesis. So this chapter is all about Malaysia. As a multi-ethnic society, Malaysia consists of various ethnics, religions, languages, customs, cultures, and Alhamdulillah we live in a peaceful country.

Why I choose Malaysia for my thesis?
The first reason is because I am Malaysian. I was born in JB (Johor Bahru), study in KL (Kuala Lumpur) and had visited around Malaysia except Sabah. InsyaAllah i'll visit there too. So, I can say that I'm proud to be a part of the Malaysian society.

At the same time, I have an intention to make this country as an Islamic State even though it is difficult to achieve. So, as an analytical study for my thesis, I choose Madinan Society at the time of the Prophet to be the best role model and example for us to follow the way and the Sunnah of the Prophet, on how he governed Madinah to be the best well-integrated society during that time.

What is the next plan for my thesis?
I have a lot of plans. But i will make sure the important plan to make this thesis as a book and guideline for Malaysian on how to follow the Prophet's way to live in a peaceful society during his time. That's why I tried so hard to make my thesis useful and can benefit others, as well to contribute something for this beloved country.

My Hope..
I hope that I can end my thesis writing by the end of this year. But if I'm not able to do that, as long as I try my best, I do my best to finish it early as soon as possible even next year. I do hope as well that people surrounding me can give me support especially moral support for me and pray for my success.

Thank You so much~!

References to be read for Chapter 4:
  • The Malays, their Problems and Future, by Syed Husin Ali
  • The Chinese Malaysian Contribution, by Tan Teong Jin et.al
  • The Malaysian Indian Dilemma, by Janakey Raman Manickan
  • Malaysian Studies: Present Knowledge and Research Trends, by John A. Lent
  • Islamic Political Representation in Malaysia, by Lukman Thaib
  • A History of Malaysia, by Barbara Watson Andaya and Leonard Andaya
  • Challenges and Choices in Malaysian Politics and Society, by Chandra Muzaffar
  • A Plea for Emphaty, by Chandra Muzaffar
  • Konsep dan peranan Uli Amri di Malaysia, by Abdul Monir Yaacob
and many more....

**Please remind me if I read unnecessary books. TQ

Friday, 8 October 2010



Try to guess who is MZ behind this title...
There are two persons that I can make their names as simple as MZ. Let's know who are they.

First MZ: Maher Zain

He is a great Swedish singer and music producer of Lebanese origin [more, read HERE]. I can say that he is great because many of his song introduced the beauty of Islam, spread the message in Qur'an and Sunnah, and related to the humanity aspect. The messages of his songs reached to the ear and heart of listener due to nice music and his good looking as well. I downloaded all his songs and always listen to them again and again, it never make me bored.

In the beginning of October, MZ came to Malaysia and make a special performance yesterday (06102010). He was fantastic. The biggest hall of IIUM was full loaded to his fans included students, alumni, lecturers, staffs, and outsiders. I also took this opportunity to buy the ticket [only RM20], because it was so cheap to see the performance of International singer, and it is a chance because we didn't know that he might again or not to Malaysia.

However, I have a little bit disappointed with the 'Meet with fans' session at the evening. I will never go again to any kind of that session in the future, and I did regret when I went there yesterday. May Allah forgive all of us.

He only performed two songs [InsyaAllah & Barakallah], but it was great. I took a video but it will take too much of time to upload it here, so, you can see at Youtube [click HERE]

Second MZ: Muhammad Zikri

He is my only younger brother. We are so close, since the different ages between us was only one year. He is not only my 'adik', but my 'abang', my friend, my enemy, my victim, my adviser, and I do love him. Why I mentioned about him here? Because he is the one who introduced to me about the previous MZ; Maher Zain. hehe..

Actually, I have my own purpose to tell the story about him. I never did it before. As an appreciation to him, this entry was written special for him. I really appreciate his presence, because I can't imagine if I am the youngest children in my family. He helped me a lot and I can say as well that I helped him a lot too. We always helping each other. However, I don't really like if we were so good to each other, so I like to quarrel with him, but it will take only for a while. That's the way that make we even closer and appreciate each other.

Alhamdulillah he just graduated from Kuliyyah Qiraat Shubra, Egypt before Eid, and InsyaAllah will further his study at Tanta University, Cairo. He will go back there maybe at the end of this month because his class already started. I know that he is cleverer and more intelligent than me, and I'm sure that he can do his best for more four years in abroad country. May Allah bless his journey of life and all his dreams come true..

I hope that he will always be my brother forever. I don't want he to be my good brother, but it is important for me to be a good sister.

**Dedicate a song "Always be there" by Maher Zain to Muhammad Zikri.

Thursday, 7 October 2010

Coffee Lover


Whatever brand it is, I love its smell, aroma, taste, bitter & sweetness of coffee. Why coffee?? Because my dad loves coffee so much. I used to be the one who made a cup of coffee for my father at home. Then, I keep buying 3 in 1 Nescafe to accompany me study late at night, and that's my usual habit during my study time. Its easy and prevent from sleepy.

However, everyone around me asked me to not addict too much on coffee. Yes, I know that. I'm not addicted yet, but I think coffee has its own advantages and disadvantages. Previously, I posted this info at my old blog, so, I wanna repost it again here, as a sharing for those who are coffee lover like me.

Coffee Pros

1. Antioxidants. Coffee is rich in antioxidants like chlorogenic acid and melanoidins. Antioxidants help prevent oxidation, a process that causes damage to cells and contributes to aging.

2. Parkinson's disease. Regular coffee drinking reduces the risk of Parkinson's disease. A number of studies have demonstrated that people who drink coffee on a regular basis are significantly less likely to develop Parkinson's disease.

3. Diabetes. Coffee drinking has the potential to protect against the development of type 2 diabetes. A prospective study as part of the US Nurses Health Study found that moderate consumption of both caffeinated and decaffeinated coffee may lower the risk of type 2 diabetes in younger and middle aged women.

4. Liver cirrhosis. Coffee drinking may protect against liver cirrhosis, especially alcoholic cirrhosis.

5. Gallstones. There is some evidence that coffee drinking may be protective against gallstone formation in both men and women.

6. Kidney stones. Coffee consumption lowers the risk of kidney stones formation. Coffee increases the urine volume, preventing the crystallization of calcium oxalate, the most common component of kidney stones.

7. Improved mental performance. Caffeine in coffee is a well-known stimulant. Coffee promotes alertness, attention and wakefulness. The cup of coffee can also increase information processing.

8. Alzheimer's disease. Regular coffee drinking may help to protect against Alzheimer's disease. Recent study in mice showed that caffeine equivalent to 5 cups of coffee per day reduced the build up of destructive plaques in the brain.

9. Asthma. Caffeine in coffee is related to theophylline, an old asthma medication. Caffeine can open airways and improve asthma symptoms.

10. Caffeine safety. In 1958, caffeine was placed on the Food and Drug Administration's list as generally recognized as safe.

Coffee Cons

1. Heart disease. This is somewhat controversial. Most prospective cohort studies haven't found that coffee consumption is associated with significantly increased risk of cardiovascular disease. On one hand, diterpenes cafestol and kahweol present in unfiltered coffee and caffeine each appear to increase risk of coronary heart disease. High quality studies have confirmed the cholesterol-raising effect of diterpenes. Also, coffee consumption is associated with an increase of plasma homocysteine, a risk factor for coronary heart disease. However, a lower risk of heart disease among moderate coffee drinkers might be due to antioxidants found in coffee.

2. Cholesterol. Heavy consumption of boiled coffee elevates blood total and LDL ("bad") cholesterol levels. Unfiltered coffee contains two cholesterol-raising compounds cafestol and kahweol.

3. Blood vessels. Coffee negatively affects the blood vessel tone and function.

4. Heart rhythm disturbances. Coffee can cause rapid or irregular heartbeats (cardiac arrhythmias).

5. Blood pressure. Although coffee drinking is not a significant risk factor for hypertension, it produces unfavorable effects on blood pressure [8] and people prone to hypertension may be more susceptible. Recent Italian study found that coffee drinking can slightly increase the risk for development of sustained hypertension in people with elevated blood pressure.

6. Osteoporosis. Coffee intake may induce an extra urinary excretion of calcium. Heavy coffee consumption (600 ml or more) can modestly increase the risk of osteoporosis, especially in women with a low calcium intake.

7. Heartburn. A cup of coffee can trigger the heartburn.

8. Sleep. Most are aware of the stimulatory effects of caffeine. High amounts of caffeine taken before going to sleep can cause difficulty falling sleep, tendency to be awakened more readily by sudden noises, and a decreased quality of sleep. However, some people can drink coffee and fall right asleep.

9. Dehydration. The caffeine in coffee is a mild diuretic and can increase urine excretion. This effect may be easily neutralized by drinking an extra glass of water.

10. Dependence. Although "generally recognized as safe" by the FDA, caffeine is still a drug, a mild central nervous system stimulant, and it produces dependence. Caffeine withdrawal is a real syndrome. You may get a few days of headache and irritability if you choose to quit drinking coffee, however, it is relatively easy to break this habit, and most people are not addicted to caffeine.

INFO taken from HERE

See, the number of advantages and disadvantages are same~! So, there are benefits from drinking coffee, but consuming it too mush will cause harm to our body, because all caffeine affect our body just like drug. That's why a person can be coffee-addicted.

As a conclusion, please be moderate~! Everything should be taken and practiced in moderation. You can drink coffee, but after that, please drink plain water a lot. Lets take care of our health~!

**I'm just an ordinary coffee lover..

Sunday, 3 October 2010

Theater Tun M


02.10.2010, the opportunity to watch this theater was great. Special thanks to my bodyguard a.k.a. boss, for accompanied me this time. The theater was about a special great leader, Malaysian former fourth Prime Minister, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamed. It began from 24th September to 9th October and performed at Istana Budaya.

The performance was so great because it was LIVE in front of the audiences. Although I bought the cheapest price of the ticket and seated at the top level of floor, but it was already make me satisfied to the performance. It was not only the influence of the artist, actor and actress to make it great, but the line story also was great, because Tun M previously was a great leader who known as the Father of the Development.

Watch it, then you will know it by yourself. I don't want to tell the whole story here. But I relieved my tense and forgot the matter of thesis writing for last night. In other words, I'm happy..

Oh, one more thing, I heard and read from the newspaper that Tun M was in a critical health condition and warded at a Hospital in Australia. May Allah bless him and shower him a good health and great life in this world and the Hereafter. Amin~

Some pictures of theater can be viewed HERE in the Facebook Page of Musical Tun Mahathir.

OK, now lets back to work..
START Progression, STOP Procrastination..

**Once upon a time in my school days, my ambition was an actress of theater. But it was impossible~! hehe..

Friday, 1 October 2010

September Ends, October Begins..


No more words. No more explanations.

I woke up again and again at the end of September, and realize again and again that today is the first October. The understanding of the golden values of these two months and next two months only known by myself.

I don't want to show any regret for knowing that it was my own mistakes and careless of the importance of time. So, lets improve today to have better tomorrow..

September ends, October begins..

Start progression, Stop procrastination..

All the best~!